Frank J. Cole Jr. Wednesday, 3/29/00, 12:48 PM
Just sent in my application.Went thru Boots at sampson 11 Feb 1943. Caught Scarlet Fever and was sent to the hospital on 1 Apr 43. until 23 Apr 43 sent back to another Co. to finish Boots. Left Sampson 26 may 43.After 3 Wars and a few so called Police Actions I retired as a Master Chief Gunner on 31 Aug 72. I believe I was in Unit F Co. 530.Hope to visit you this summer.I am originally from Salamanca,NY.Keep up the good work. Frank Cole e-mail Address GMCMRet@aol.com
From: Rockville,MD
E-mail: GMCMRet@aol.com
Richard Hummel Wednesday, 3/29/00, 12:39 PM
I was suprised to see this organization. It was a pleasant suprise. Keep up the good work.
From: Jacksonville, Arkansas
E-mail: ollie22@concentric.net
Raymond P.Barry Wednesday, 3/29/00, 11:38 AM
I trained at sampson in 1945,and was sent to the phillipines from San Francisco.
From: Uxbridge ma.
E-mail: rpbarry@mindspring.com
Theodore C. Hoch, Jr. Tuesday, 3/28/00, 12:46 PM
Just proud to be a member of such a great organization. And always glad for reunion time to get together with so many great shipmates. See you at Sampson! Keep a cold one handy.
From: Columbia Crossroads, PA
E-mail: thochjr@ptd.net
Theodore E. Lewis Monday, 3/27/00, 7:40 PM
My membership # 4324 Sent in my boot photo "G" unit, Co. 510 , Photo dated: March 28,1944... My God thats 56 years ago tomorrow!! Glad to see we have a web page..I would suggest you list the Boot Company photos with dates so fellows can contact you for a copy if they wish. I'm surprised with almost half a million fellows who went through Sampson we only have a little over 6000 members???
From: Severna Park, Md.
E-mail: lewiste@aol.com
HARRY ALLSTON Monday, 3/27/00, 6:43 PM
Harry J. Allston 10300 Kings River Road #57, Reedley, CA -- 93654- 3604 Phone (559) 638-7523 E-MAIL ALLNAVY@JUNO.COM ===================================================== ========================== 1/2/44 I was assigned to LCT #001 at Camp Bradford, VA (?) for training. Was the assigned to LCT #1019, Flotilla Two and shipped, via LST #603 to Oran, Africa where we were 'dumped' in the Mediterranean. Trained in Algiers and then on to Tunisia where we were towed, by LCI to Palermo, Sicily. More training and then in on the tail end of Anzio. Moved up to Salerno then up to Naples for more training and eventually, loaded for Southern France. Had 3 Sherman tanks, 2 - 10 wheeler trucks, 2 jeeps and about 150 troops. Landed in Sardinia to allow troops to eat and bath in water. Reloaded and on to Southern France. Went in to St. Tropez on the 2nd wave and then did much ship to shore. Mostly troops and equipment. Dates elude me but we returned to Africa where we were loaded upon LST #492 and returned to the states. After a time we were assigned LCT #647, Flotilla 41, Group 122 for Pacific operations. This was loaded on LST #1080 in "THREE" sections!!! Two days out of Pearl the conflict ended. Upon our arrival in Pearl Harbor, we, the crew assembled the LCT in the water. If we knew one of the connecting tanks would be our water supply, we might have taken more pains to make it water tight. Consequently, we drank salty water for about a year. Spent most of the time in Pearl at East Loch doing ship to shore. Was loaded on a LST #47 (in one piece) and returned to the states for discharge. Our group was assigned to Flotilla #10. Some of the men I remember serving with were: Herbert Reynolds, EM *** Ens. Gszell LCT 1019 *** Robert Mount, QM (Wounded by shrapnel in S. France) ***Mike Dadonna, Cook ***Ens. Farmer LCT 647 *** J Y Hoffman, SEA1 ***Doug Huskins, GM Don Calloway, SEA1*** John Pomerski, MMM ***Henry Hillier, COX***John Ireland, ??? I started as F 2C to F 1C to SEA 2C to SEA 1C, to COX and ended my tour as BM2. I have some pictures of LCT's and you are most welcome to copy, scan them. I am 74+ years of age and in pretty good health. I try to stay active and do try to keep the 'gray matter' working. Would welcome any and all contacts to my E- Mail address (ALLNAVY@JUNO.COM).
HOWARD NORTZ Monday, 3/27/00, 2:58 PM
I was at sampson in May 1945 in Dunit co 245 served on the Uss Tarawa And was a plank owner on it..also am a member of the sampson WW 2 assoc Howard Nortz
From: Croghan ,N. Y.
E-mail: ch nortz@ north net . org.
John A. Gilmartin Monday, 3/27/00, 2:40 PM
Great Web site. I went through Boot Camp in April 1943, with 10 other 17 year old volunteers from Worcester, and we were assigned to G Unit. Chief Rose, an American Indian was in charge of our group. If you have any information on our Unit, please let me know.
From: Worcester, MA.
E-mail: JAGilm2000
C.W.SUNDERHAUF Monday, 3/27/00, 10:18 AM
To Grant Covill and all those doing a good job up there. I am not on line at home. Now atLibray while my wife is at dialysis. Trying to lear how to use this new thing. It was easy to get your page once I tyoed it in the right way. The news letter that Sampson has is top notch. It has inproved in the last two years. I wish I were closer to be able tohelp in some oth work. I dont' know why becaus after pulling the string on my mower Sat, Ifeel like Ive been in a wreck. Some day there will be sure sign that I'am older that I thank. That all folks my parkin meter is runin out. Wally
From: Louisville Ky
Web Site: none
E-mail: none
Lionel Brindamour Saturday, 3/25/00, 12:34 PM
I first e-mailed you 3-20-00 I just want to add that I was in co.427 f-unit from april to june 1943.After my boots ,I was sent to Pacific .I was on two ships the USS.BOBOLINK ATO-131 and the USS Epping Forest LSD-4 Hope to meet some of my old shipmates. Lionel Brindamour
From: South Hadley,MA.
E-mail: tblb@mediaone.net
Bob Schmid Friday, 3/24/00, 7:44 PM
Great site, but you have done aa even better job with the Museum. The hosts at the Museum were great people. I'm a member of SAFB Vets Association, visited Sampson 2 years ago. Quite a change since I was there Apr-Jun 53 for Basic (FLT 2533). I hope our Museum turns out as well as yours. Keep up the good work
From: Blacksburg, Va
E-mail: glh4bob@yahoo.com
William Donberger Friday, 3/24/00, 7:32 PM
I am one of the 6000 members. My wife and I have visited the Brig museum at Sampson and were very impressed. We attended the Snowbird Reunion last year in Englewood, FL and will be attending the same reunion on the 28th of March. I went through "Boots" at Sampson in l942. 24 year career in the Navy, retiring in 1966. Once a sailor - always a sailor.
From: Clearwater, FL
E-mail: simsapd50@gateway.net
Harold Sigworth Friday, 3/24/00, 5:52 PM
Just checking the web site. Keep up the good work am going to try to get up this summer. Was in boots June 1945 for 10 weeks. G-company 563. Am a member of The Sampson Salts.
From: Hermitage,Pa 16148
E-mail: dadhickory@pathway.net
george a. feller Friday, 3/24/00, 9:22 AM
I noticed after I sent my entry that I should have checked for typos. I had a stroke in 1997 which affects mt typing. I think our company was in Gilmore unit, but am not certain.
From: Gatlinburg. Tn
E-mail: gafeller@icx.net
Justin Tunison Friday, 3/24/00, 8:43 AM
Was in Sampson march 1943 to may then electrician school! Served in the south pacific to the end of the war discharged electrician"s mate 3rd class at Lido beach Long Island.Willie Pep the boxer was in boot camp at the same time. Used to go on liberty in Rochester, a great liberty town.
From: L.I. New York
Web Site: Justin359
E-mail: jusiin359@webtv.net
tony polozzolo Friday, 3/24/00, 8:28 AM
Great contribution to Naval history...would you please link to our page: www.desausa.org that is the official page of the Destroyer-Escort Sailors Association -- tony polozzolo (USS WHITMAN DE24, WWII)
From: springfield, VA (NYcity originally)
Web Site: Official Destroyer Escort Sailors Association
E-mail: desatonyp@aol.com
Michael W. Deery Thursday, 3/23/00, 1:29 PM
I neglected to include my member number when I signed on at 12:45 P. M. It is 4092. I have been going into your website in depth and it is very, very good. Thank you for all the effort that has been expended. Michael W. Deery
From: Gladstone, Mo.,
E-mail: MikeDeery@aol.com
Charles D Clemens, Jr USN (ret) Thursday, 3/23/00, 9:08 AM
I joined Navy in Philly July 18,1945. I was born and raised in Franklinville, New Jersey. Arrived Sampson July 19,1945 broke boot camp Sept 23, 1945 Company G- 503.From OGU I when to NATTC Norman, Ok for AMM School. The rest is history I retired as Chief Aviation Machinist Mate in Oct 1967. Very good web site will be attending my third reunion in Sept 2000. Everybody Calls Me "Clem"
From: Greenville, Florida
E-mail: glassboro@webtv.net
Kelly Taft Krause Thursday, 3/23/00, 6:02 AM
My father, Wendell E. Taft, graduated from bootcamp in Sampson. I have his Co. 325 photo dated May 19, 1944 along with a list of the members of the Co. If you are interested in a copy, feel free to e-mail me.
From: Fort Worth, Texas
E-mail: Starry2@aol.com
Leo D. Stapleton Wednesday, 3/22/00, 7:51 AM
Company 118, C-Unit. 11/1/44-1/45.While in Outgoing Unit,(OGU,) Jan.45, huge snowstorm resulted in one group being sent to Buffalo and another, (my group,) to Rochester to shovel out railroad so trains could get through. Lived in YMCA for a week. Anyone recall this incident? Have enjoyed reading all submissions and am fascinated by the diverse experiences of the members. Anyone from my unit registered? Would enjoy contact.
From: South Boston, Ma.
E-mail: ldstapey@aol.com
Bob Atchinson Wednesday, 3/22/00, 6:59 AM
Web site is great.
From: Albany, New York
E-mail: bobesatch@aol.com
Henry Haszko Monday, 3/20/00, 2:00 PM
From: Elizabeth NJ
E-mail: HANK2763@AOL.com
Leo D. Stapleton Monday, 3/20/00, 1:17 PM
I am delighted with the Web site. Looked up the ship I served on during the war and was fascinated with it's history, particularly during the time I was assigned to it. Thanks a lot.
From: South Boston, Massachusetts
E-mail: ldstapey@aol.com
Lionel Brindamour Monday, 3/20/00, 10:59 AM
I just got my computer and saw your web site in this months issue of Sampson WW-2 Navy Veterans,so I thought I would say hello.I am a member of Sampson WW2 Vets ,my card# is 1423 .Yours truly Lionel Brindamour
From: South Hadley, Ma
E-mail: tblb@mediaone.net
David J. Rosania Monday, 3/20/00, 6:19 AM
Dates at Sampson - Jan. 43 - Feb. 43 CO. 451 F Unit Short boot training to attend SK serv. school H Unit Retained at SK store as instructor - Disbursing, Naval correspondence, typing. Instructors had to serve as barracks' petty officers in H Unit Plankowner USS Graffias (AF-29) Nov. 44 - May 46 Appreciate services rendered by you shipmates in keeping memory of Sampson alive. Just scrolled entire msg center - thank you, Jake, for job well done.
From: Philadelphia, PA
E-mail: graffiasdunes
andersen,norman Sunday, 3/19/00, 1:57 PM
signed in once before, hoping to find boots who were in company E313,during the bitter cold months starting in march, 1944 about all i remember was being on the midnight fire watch,walking knee deep in snow looking for fires! many of us wound up in san diego at hospital corps school, much nicer! never got a ship,served at the naval training center and the hospital at balboa park in san diego.
From: now hillsborough, then newark,nj
E-mail: bassen2@erols.com
Judson L.Davis Sunday, 3/19/00, 11:02 AM
Went thru Sampson feb 1943 (it was cold )was assigned to VC32 air group on the U.S.S.LangleyCVL27 stayed with the ship till the end of the war.was born in Albion N.Y. and have never been back to Sampson Judd Davis
From: Altoona ,FL
E-mail: JDavis3997@aol.com
McDiffett Sunday, 3/19/00, 8:15 AM
From: Euclid, Ohio
E-mail: DE196DON@AOL.COM
Domnick J. Pizzola SMc3/c Saturday, 3/18/00, 7:21 PM
I am a member of Sampson WWII Navy Vets Organization, since 1987. I have made at least 6 reunions at the base. Our group included Captain Leonard Zavada- Wyoming PA, Master Cheif Dom Cerra-Dunmore PA, Joe Gallo GM3c and our wives. We are the group that instituted the first Raffle to raise funds for our organization. Every trip was enjoyable. Due to problems occuring with health, we did not make any more reunions. We are all LIFE and PLANK members. I am very glad to be able to communicate with you. Your shipmate, Domnick J. Pizzola
From: Dumnore,Pennsylvania
Web Site: none
E-mail: none
Norman P. Rusterholtz Saturday, 3/18/00, 4:39 PM
Very happy to see this web site. Will see everyone at the reunion coming this September. Allene and I will be there.
From: Eden Prairie, MN
E-mail: sherri.dan@juno.com
al sosienski Saturday, 3/18/00, 12:29 PM
From: wilmington de.
Web Site: aasosienski
E-mail: aasosienski@aol.com
Ray Cross Saturday, 3/18/00, 11:55 AM
Wasin boots in Sampson in Jan.6/44 Attended Radioman's school there also Was Radioman @ Oran, Algeria and Port Lyauty Recalled to aactive duty for Korean War & served with staff of COMIDEASTFRONTIER as decoder as RM2/C
From: Ft. Pierce, Fl./Loch Sheldrake, N.Y.
E-mail: raygert@gate.net
George T Mason Friday, 3/17/00, 5:31 PM
Went to Sampson Aug. 7th 1945. F Company. Left in November 1945. We help to close down G Co.
From: Scranton, PA
E-mail: Mason248@aol.com
Clarence Coogan Friday, 3/17/00, 3:10 PM
Love your Web page. I tried to link it into my web, but it wouldn't take. Check my autobiography beginning with content item No.15 SAMPSON.
From: Kingston, NY
E-mail: clarcoog@aol.com
Francis H Maxwell Thursday, 3/16/00, 6:32 AM
I have belonged to the Sampson WW for 6 years very great war veterns to have this memorial to our credit
From: Okeechobee Fl.
E-mail: mikey@okeechobee.com
Don Clark- 9253358 Thursday, 3/16/00, 6:27 AM
I took "boots" at Sampson October-December 1944. G- Unit, can't remember Co #. Later went to Radio Tech school in Chicago. I wasdrafted from Western PA on October 20, 1944.
E-mail: dclark@toolcity.net
edward schwartz Wednesday, 3/15/00, 4:22 PM
first time to look ;-]
From: philadelphia pa
E-mail: EdMan@Dellnet.com
John Mac Whirter Wednesday, 3/15/00, 3:01 PM
At Sampson from January to April 1944 Unit E Company 357.Was trained by IBM to maintain their equipment prior to enlisting.Received a Specialsts rating in boot camp and was assigned to various locations where some of the machines were used in frequency analysis in the encryption and decryption of certain codes and cyphirs involving Naval messages. A lot of the work was done in areas that civilian IBM personnel could not handle. It was interesting,but restrictive in that even when other assignment were requested they were not approved. I have a picture of my company that I will forward if desired.Was discharged out of Lido Beach in 1946
From: Cranford NJ
E-mail: scotbarr@all ol.com
John Mac Wednesday, 3/15/00, 2:24 PM
Dale R Ealy Wednesday, 3/15/00, 12:28 PM
Was in Sampson in May, 1945 I believe in E-304 L Would love to hear from anyone who might have been there at that time. I think this is a great idea. Thanks so very much Dale R Ealy 270 Washington Rd. Waynesburg Pa. 15370
From: Waynesburg Pa.15370
E-mail: daleealy@greene pa.net
KENNETH P. WALSH Wednesday, 3/15/00, 7:15 AM
From: LEVITTOWN,NY 11756
E-mail: kenwalsh@juno.com
Donald L Merkle Wednesday, 3/15/00, 5:17 AM
Visited Sampson a couple years ago. Enjoyed museum very much. I was at Sampson May 1944 for 10 weeks in F unit, Co 407. Hope to get to a reunion sometime. Is there any from my unit out there?
From: Spartansburg, PA.
E-mail: merk@tbscc.com
Roger Sprague Tuesday, 3/14/00, 6:33 PM
I am an Air Force vet od Sampson, Nov 54 to Mar 56. My uncle, Lewellyn (Skee) Sprague, a navy boot, probably in 1943. It gives us both a lot of pleasure to know of the vets organizations having to do with Sampson in those times. It gives a common link to have both gone through training there. Don't think I have ever been as cold as at Sampson, and home town was in Vermont!!!
From: Gettysburg, PA
E-mail: rsprague@supernet.com
RALPH MILLIGAN Tuesday, 3/14/00, 10:32 AM
Its a great organization. See you in Waterloo for the Memorial Day Parade.
E-mail: ramill27@epix,net
Paul P. McKee Tuesday, 3/14/00, 7:34 AM
Went to Sampson in September 1944 Unit E company 364 Left Sampson in January 1945 went aboard the USS Augusta CA 31 in Norfolk, VA. Left the Augusta at the Phila. Navy Yard June 1946. If interested the USS Augusta reunion is in Nashville, TN this year. From May 16th to May 20th.
From: Medina, NY
E-mail: ppmckee26@aol.com
Albert Bean Monday, 3/13/00, 8:03 AM
Great work on the site . I was in co 164 C unit Aug 44 -Oct44.CC was Chapman. Served in Aleutan Island aboard PC819 to June 46.(some fun)
From: N.H>
Web Site: Al
E-mail: ebean@cyberportal.net
Everett T. Buckley Sunday, 3/12/00, 1:18 PM
Sorry just signed in but did not leave full E mail address.
From: Salem,Ma.
E-mail: Cabmebky@aol.com
Edward Wenz Saturday, 3/11/00, 6:01 PM
just found out about this web site. looks good i was in co #526 left boot camp july 1943. went aboard the USS Augusta ca31 was onboard until sept of 45. was transfered to the DD862 Uss Vogelzang was discharged 4/46.went to sampson from astoria LIC N.Y.
From: Marshfield hills ma 02051
E-mail: edclams@aol.com
Les Murphy Saturday, 3/11/00, 4:35 PM
Was at Sampson in 1944. My cousin John was in the next unit, so we used to sneak back & forth to visit.I always caught him when he was in the mess hall washing pots & pans.He was the unlucky one.
From: Utica, NY
E-mail: lfmjr00@aol.com
Howard L Gifford Saturday, 3/11/00, 2:56 PM
Just filled out the tickets for the Memorial Museum Building Fund Drawing and the check for $10.00. Had never made a visit to your web site. Very impressive !! Regards Howard
From: R.I. but now in Florida
E-mail: howdag@aol.com