Paul Lewandowski Wednesday, 2/21/01, 1:20 PM
I went through boot camp at Sampson starting in June of 1943.I was wondering what ever happened to the training station.
From: Palm Desert, Calif.
E-mail: skilil@msn.com
RAYMOND ROBINSON Tuesday, 2/20/01, 4:18 AM
Hi; I'm looking for boot camp pictures from around March of 1943. Thats when my dad went to boot and I'm trying to recover some if possible for my mom, my dad has now passed away. Thank You for your help; Ray Robinson
E-mail: RROBIN98982@CS.COM
Howard Monday, 2/19/01, 7:20 PM
Was at Sampson 1944
From: Florida
E-mail: howdag@aol.com
Raymond Crowther Monday, 2/19/01, 5:16 PM
Terrific piece of work
From: Utica, New York
E-mail: crowther@dreamscape.com
Richard H. Barnes Monday, 2/19/01, 8:08 AM
Anyone from company 431? June 1945-August 1945 Let me hear from you!!! I have visited the Sampson Museum a few times and have worked at the Sampson booth at New York State Fair. Really enjoy them both,
From: Cortland, New York (Norwich, N.Y)
E-mail: richiebarnes25@hotmail.com
Richard H. Barnes Monday, 2/19/01, 7:55 AM
From: Cortland, New york
E-mail: richiebarnes25@hotmail.com
bill mcconnell Sunday, 2/18/01, 7:02 AM
i am a retired cpo 1956-1976 my father went through sampson during the war
From: syracuse n y
E-mail: navyrealtor@hotmail.com
Bert Park Friday, 2/16/01, 5:48 PM
From: Bushnell, Fl.
E-mail: bbpark@sum.net
Charles Miller Friday, 2/16/01, 4:31 PM
Just checking to see if anybody from my companyG538
From: Warners, NY
E-mail: cm6443@aol.com
frank t. gallenstein Thursday, 2/15/01, 8:26 AM
I went through quartermaster school at Sampson from January through May, 1944. I don't remember the number of the company. I'd like to learn more about the Sampson organization.
From: Cincinnati, ohio( orginally, Maysville, Ky.)
E-mail: ftcrank@aol.com
Spurgeon Witherow Wednesday, 2/14/01, 6:52 PM
I am new at all this and am not sure I have filled out every thing right. If some one cane help Me,that would be great. I have loged on to the chat room, I think.
From: Youngsville ,Pena.
Web Site: Penncom Internet Company
E-mail: swithero@penn.com
Al "Chip" Sosienski Monday, 2/12/01, 8:33 AM
Looking for anyone that was at Sampson March 1944 Company C 139
From: Wilmington, Delaware
Web Site: aasosienski
E-mail: aasosienski@aol.com
WILLIAM L LETTS Sunday, 2/11/01, 12:01 PM
I went to boot camp at Sampson from Sept to Nov 1943. Then i went to Radio School at Bainbridge Md an then went to Little Creek Va for LSMs. I transferred to Ft Pierce Fl for underwater demolition team 19 training and went to Maui formore training, finally to the invasion of Oklinowa. We returned to Oceanside Ca for cold water training just one day before the first atom bomb was dropped. RM3/C William Letts
From: OCALZ FL 34476
E-mail: w.lettsw2ihq@worldnet.att.net
robert J Mason Sunday, 2/11/01, 9:14 AM
I served as a boot at sampson on my 17 th birthday 8/6/43 my ser no was 205-52-20, That was the month + day I was born on, started boot camp, atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Famous + and infamous ? I dont remember my company ??? Regards Bob Mason
From: Rhode Island Now florida 32 yrs
Web Site: none
E-mail: hillfarmrd@juno.com
Jack Ehring Thursday, 2/8/01, 12:32 PM
I signed in earlier, but neglected adding any pertinent info. Was in C unit, company 154, graduating Dec. 14, 1943. Then to radio school at Sampson , class 15-44. Would be interested in hearing from any who were in either class.
From: Glenmont, N. Y.
E-mail: jehring@nycap.rr.com
Jack Ehring Thursday, 2/8/01, 12:26 PM
Jack Ehring Thursday, 2/8/01, 11:14 AM
Went through boots in Nov '43, and then Radio School at Sampson.
From: New York
E-mail: jehring@nycap.rr.com
Candie Bell Roberts Thursday, 2/8/01, 8:55 AM
I checked out this site for my Dad, Edward R Bell who served as an instructor at Sampson in '43. I was hoping to find a link to the Sampson snowbird group that meets annually in Englewood, Florida. My Dad is looking for someone going to the reunion on March 20, who lives in the Lee County area and would like to ride with him. Hope you can help! I was able to take Dad to see the museum in August of 99 and he told me the story of his adventure in the brig. It was great. Thanks for making the site available. It is so important to remember the past. Thanks. Candie Bell Roberts
From: Fort Myers Florida
E-mail: candie@iline.com
Francis Robert Murdock Thursday, 2/1/01, 12:26 PM
This is my late address any one out there that was in company 248 in June 1945 get back to me.Anyone who was on the tanker AO68 Would like to hear from you.
From: Rochester NY
E-mail: Fmurd492@frontiernet.net
Andrew Kovach Tuesday, 1/30/01, 5:24 PM
My first time I contacted Sampson on the web. Enjoy very much reading the publication "Sampson WW-2 Navy Veterans,Inc." Great articals,brings back many memories. Have been a member for several years.Have visited the museum several times.Member no. 5047.
From: Bridgeport,Pa. 19405
Andrew Kovach Tuesday, 1/30/01, 4:41 PM
My first time i contacted Sampson on the web. Enjoy very much reading the publication "Sampson WW-2 Navy Veterans,Inc." Great articals,brings back many memeries.
From: Bridgeport,Pa. 19405
mark scherer Tuesday, 1/30/01, 5:52 AM
trained in G unit jan 1944...name of chief was Carrol...anyone have group picture of company
From: new jersey
E-mail: marko1@home.com
Billy J. Crawford Monday, 1/29/01, 9:57 AM
I arrived at Sampson early January 1944. Boot camp was 21 days. Went to Radio Operator School at Bedford Springs, Pa. Severed aboard DE-577 Alexander J. Luke. Mustered out on April 6, 1946 from Navy Hospital, Lake front Louisiana. Rate was RM3/c Also served 2 years in Korean war. Have written a saga of the Destroy Escort AJ Luke De-577 contains 218 pages text and photos of ww-2. Will share information by contacting me by e-mail address. I have the Luke Saga as a word file and have placed on CD disc. Has crew list, deceased crew members, photo's of captured U-boats May 1945. Many photos of convoy duties.
From: San Marcos, Texas
E-mail: ajluke@corridor.net
Bob Ritzel Sunday, 1/28/01, 4:36 PM
My Dad trained at Sampson Naval Training Center, 1944. Have copy of Picture, April 1944, Company 212,D6L.
From: Utica, NY, originally, now Texas
E-mail: ritzelbob_@hotmail.com
Spurgeon D. Witherow Saturday, 1/27/01, 7:48 AM
would like to find information on Sampson barracks and division March 1943 thru May 43.
From: Youngsville, Pa. 16371
E-mail: swithero@penn.com
Spurgeon D. Witherow Saturday, 1/27/01, 7:45 AM
Daniel Cole Friday, 1/26/01, 4:48 PM
You get better every time.
From: Fulton NY
E-mail: Dancarol@juno.com
DEaniel Cole Friday, 1/26/01, 4:47 PM
You get better every time.
From: Fulton NY
E-mail: Dancarol@juno.com
Bill Rose Wednesday, 1/24/01, 11:02 AM
Sampson WWII web site gratly appreciated. I especially the links that are tied in.....the entire Navy is ar our disposal. I am a member of the Sampson Vets. Keep up the good work.
From: San Angelo, TX
Bill Rose Wednesday, 1/24/01, 10:56 AM
al sosienski Wednesday, 1/24/01, 8:50 AM
just logging in ,hope everyone is keeping warm in this cold and snowy weather.
From: wilmington,delaware
Web Site: aasosienski
E-mail: aasosienski@aol.com
John Mac Whirter` Thursday, 1/18/01, 6:40 PM
I may have visited before, if so, its an opportunity to commend you for the great job putting this site together. Left Sampson in April of 1944, but think of it and the wonderful guys who won that war so many years ago. Years don't diminish the memory. This site will help preseve it.
From: Cranford NJ
E-mail: scotbarr@aol.com
Sabrina Sterman Thursday, 1/18/01, 4:55 PM
The pages for the Wall of Honor are superimposed on top of each other.
From: NY
E-mail: sub21457@nycap.rr.com
Jack Eberhardt Thursday, 1/18/01, 3:52 PM
Dad was a trainee in the winter of 1943. He spoke humorously about the basic training "glitches" in cold weather. Despite being from Ohio with its cold weather, Dad thought someone must have been off their trolley to stage the outdoor phase of training at Sampson. With WWII on and as a draftee he had little choice.
From: Laurel, Maryland
Web Site: Cinci
E-mail: smeber@home.com
Frank Cummins Wednesday, 1/17/01, 11:41 AM
Wanted to add that Frank Cummins at Sampson Nov, Dec 1943, Unit D, Company 236. He would like to hear from anyone there at that time. Thanks. Keep up the great job at the museum--hope to visit again soon!!
From: Spring Mills PA
E-mail: shelleycn@yahoo.com
Frank Cummins Wednesday, 1/17/01, 11:34 AM
Hi-Showing my dad, Frank Cummins your web site. He does not have computer access, but is a member the Sampson Navy Vets. Fun seeing the old photos. He wants to see a picture of the brig---no he was never put there. Member of D Unit Company 236.
From: Spring Mills PA
E-mail: shelleycn@yahoo.com
Gene O'Connor Monday, 1/15/01, 4:59 PM
Checking in to see if anyone served at NAS HOUMA (1944) BLIMPS (LTA) NAS NOLA HTA or any of the following YSD76 YSD77 YSD78 Please contact Gene O'Connor at CELTIC1472@AOL.COM
From: New Jersey
E-mail: CELTIC1472@AOL.COM
Gene O'Connor Monday, 1/15/01, 4:59 PM
Checking in to see if anyone served at NAS HOUMA (1944) BLIMPS (LTA) NAS NOLA HTA or any of the following YSD76 YSD77 YSD78 Please contact Gene O'Connor at CELTIC1472@AOL.COM
From: New Jersey
E-mail: CELTIC1472@AOL.COM
Paul Hoffman Monday, 1/15/01, 7:57 AM
Boot camp G-525 Dec,43-Feb.44-Remember shoveling snow so we could practice marching in bitterly cold weather. I am now spending winter near Pensacola,Fl.and we watched with great pride the LST325 being brought back into Mobile by old Navy Vets. Don't know if any were at Sampson or not??, but they did a remarkable job getting it sea worthy,to sail from Greece-across Atlantic,against Coast Guard wishes.and make it to Mobile Bay.
From: OHIO
E-mail: pthoff@webtv.net
Joe Cyckowski Friday, 1/12/01, 1:50 PM
I was a WW2 Sampson Boot.I was a member of "Company 444-F Unit".I inlisted in Philadelphia,PA.in March of "43"and along with others was sent to "Sampson"for basic training. I would like to know more about the organization. I do not have a web site.
From: DE
Web Site: Above
E-mail: jrcyckowski@msn.com
Linwood E, Lowell Tuesday, 1/9/01, 3:57 PM
Still looking boot buddies from D Unit co 221Oct.to Dec, 1943
From: Mendon Mass.
E-mail: dlow3569@aol.comStll looking for
Art Boyd Tuesday, 1/9/01, 12:36 PM
There will be a reunion of former crew members ofUSS Ariel Af22 USS Merak AF21 USSMizar AF12 USS Talmanaca AF 15 USS Tarazed AF 13 May 17 & 18 at Hampton Va. Anyone interested in attending contact George Brooks E-Mail address Aussima4@AOL.com
From: Wanaque NJ
E-mail: jerseyboyd@aol.com
R F Nicolia Monday, 1/1/01, 6:16 AM
Nice program you have here.I am a sampson vet.Was there Late August to early Nov. 1944
From: Hockingport Ohio
E-mail: rfnicolia@1st.net
David McClure Sunday, 12/31/00, 12:00 PM
USNTC July to October, 1945, Company 509 of G-Unit It's a remarkable job, restoring the Brig and creating a museum. I will plan to visit soon, hopefully the next reunion.
From: Bangor, Maine
E-mail: dmcclure@prodigy.net
Hugh Mickelson Saturday, 12/30/00, 6:26 PM
Goood Site, I personnally did boots and SK school at Farragat Id, then to Island hopping. Uss Admiral W.S.Sims AP 127(we brought 50,000 men home) after war's end. Uss Marshall DD 676 Korea 51-53 good site
From: Port Angeles WA.Clarksburg,CA
E-mail: hkmick@rcip.com
Bruce W. Ricards Saturday, 12/30/00, 12:11 PM
Enjoy the magazine, look forward to it's arrival. Keep up the good work.
From: Bridgeton, NJ 08302
E-mail: BWR2@Juno
Bill Charlton Thursday, 12/28/00, 5:44 PM
I am an Air Force Sampson Vet. Some years ago,I brought my son up to Ithaca to visit Cornell. We decided to take a side trip to Sampson, where Steve Bull and his companions had a Navy display at the park's Visitors Center. I found myself wishing that it would be nice if the Sampson Air Force vets had a similar organization. Later on, I learned that they did and I joined. During a SAFBVA reunion, we visited the Navy's reunion in the renovated brig/stockade. I enjoyed it very much. When I was a senior in high school (class of 1954) and I knew I was subject to the draft, I considered enlisting in either the Navy or the Air Force. The Air Force won out (I couldn't swim). I had an uncle who served in the Navy during WW2. Who knows? Maybe he did his boot camp at Sampson.
From: Quarryville, PA
E-mail: charlton@epix.net
John Keating Thursday, 12/28/00, 8:46 AM
I was in F-Unit Co. 484 from June 1944 to Sept. 1944. Whent from their to Calif. and the 38TH Seabees. WE built a airfield on Tinnian for the B-29's.
From: Poughkeepsie, NY
E-mail: jmkeati@attglobal.net
Earl M De Glopper Tuesday, 12/26/00, 4:54 PM
Boot Camp 1945 G- Company
From: Grand Island,NY
E-mail: ritad1@yahoo.com
Ralph Milligan Sunday, 12/24/00, 7:58 AM
Great poem,Jack. I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,from the gang at the Museum. Co 326,E Unit,March 1945. USS Macon.
From: Tunkhannock,Pa
E-mail: ramill27@epix.net