Charles R. Weir, Jr. Friday, 3/29/02, 7:13 PM
I arrived Sampson morning of 6 April 1945 by train from North Philadelphia, PA. I believe I was assigned to "C" Co.( but not sure). After completing boots was assigned ship's company USS Juneau and sent to Newport, RI. From there attended CIC Class B schools in Boston, MA & Brigantine, NJ. Once the war ended we received a compliment of "A" school men so we were moved to various other duties. I ended up on the fantail deck division. I am A Plank Owner. We commissioned the 119 on 15 February 1946 during a snow storm at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, Brooklyn, NY. Am looking for shipmates from Sampson and/or the USS Juneau. I am the webmaster for the 119's website., Charlie
From: Sebring, FL 33875-7506
Web Site: USS Juneau CL/CLAA-119
E-mail: plumbob@strato.net
Jim Hansen Monday, 3/25/02, 7:10 AM
I am the Editor of the Parachute Riggers Association (PRA) "Ripcord" Newsletter. Our members are interested in all aspects of USN, USMC & USCG historial and current events that portray our veterans and active duty members in their respective professions. We would like to feature some of these wonderful articles and photos in our newsletter. Can you give me some contact persons who would be willing to submit articles to us? Thank you for these memorable photos and abstracts. Jim, PRCS USN RET.
From: New London, CT
E-mail: jhansen3@san.rr.com
John N. Scott Monday, 3/25/02, 6:14 AM
From: Monessen, PA
E-mail: profjns@MSN.com
Alton H Tilton Saturday, 3/23/02, 5:54 AM
Went thru Sampson Jan 22 1944 -Feb 22 1944Cant rember co number. Was on USS Reuben Jamen from 1944- 1946 Got out in April 46 went back in August 46 and Ret as a chief Parachute Rigger in April 1967
From: Lakehurst N J
E-mail: altilt26Aaol.com
Jim Burke Friday, 3/22/02, 4:56 AM
Retired US Navy. 1948-1968-1978 My best duty was USS Piper ss409. 1958-1966 Looking for anyone that served on Piper . Contact me for info on thr Piper association.
From: Fresno, California-Whiting NJ
E-mail: jmother409@cs.com
frank giallonardo Sunday, 3/17/02, 5:17 AM
frank giallonardo is looking for people who where in training with me oct. 1944, people who were on the USS PROVIDENCE 1945- 1948 and LST762 1949-1950 thank you frank giallonardo. GOD BLESS AMERICA
From: venice fl
E-mail: fwg47@juno
Al "Chip" Sosienski Saturday, 3/16/02, 4:58 PM
Have not seen this page for months,every time i tried to log on it wasn't there . Glad too see it's back
From: Wilmington ,Delaware
E-mail: aasosienski@aol.com
Spurgeon D Witherow Jr. Wednesday, 3/13/02, 2:56 PM
I am new on this and do not know what url is,nor what my web site name is. Some one might help. I was at Sampson March first of 1943-April.I don,t remmber my company nor unite Is there help out there?
From: Youngsville,P.A. 16371
E-mail: switherow@westpa.net
JOHN LAVEZZO Tuesday, 3/12/02, 3:08 PM
Ted Trainor Tuesday, 3/12/02, 3:07 PM
Only three months out of my life but meant more to me than any other thing that happened to me . Only 18 at the time but it helped me mature. Dated a girl from Geneva in 1944 and we still keep in contact. see her every year when I return for the reunion. wish I had kept my boots !! June 15, 1944 , Edwards Unit Co. 376. ( Rooster Company}
From: Louisville, Ky.
E-mail: tedtrainor92507@aol.com
Arthur Boyd Monday, 3/11/02, 8:30 AM
There will be a sistership reunion of the following ships. Uss Ariel,Antiqua,Merak,Mizar,Talamanaca, and Tarazed in Orlando Fla. on Oct 10-13. Anyone who had served on any of these ships and would like further info about the reunion contact Harvey Rathel e-Mail is Ssreunion02@aol.com
From: Wanaque NJ
E-mail: jerseyboyd@aol.com
Ray Crowther Friday, 3/8/02, 3:23 PM
Started Sampson Dec. 1943--Co 441 F Unit. From there to Torpedo school at Newport R.I.-- From there was picked up by Commanders Service Force-- Torpedo Shop at Pearl Harbor. Your web sight gets better all the time. I've met several shipmates over the web. Clean sweepdown for and aft. and a hearty salute to you all. Ray Crowther
From: Utica, New York
E-mail: crowther @dreamscape.com
Alex E. Willette Tuesday, 3/5/02, 8:21 AM
Hey this is a great site. Thanks to my buddy for telling me about it. Went to Samson in 45 Gilmore Co. I think. Shipped to Cal. and on to China seas. Done my time on the A.A. Cunningham DD 752. Had one hell of a good time on it and in Shang Hi. Good liberty town. Would loved to hear from anybody. Good sailing and Keep your feet dry. PS wrote a book on my life and in it has a chapter on the Navy, if any one is interested. Again LOVE this site, keep up the good work. Alex
From: Bradenton,Fl.
Web Site: Alex the ShoeMan
E-mail: AlxShoeMan@Aol.Com
Lionel Brindamour Tuesday, 3/5/02, 8:07 AM
Hi Shipmates, I signed in before, but my E-mail address changed. Took boots April 1943 Co. 427 F unit. Regards Lionel Brindamour
From: South Hadley Ma. 01075
E-mail: tblb@attbi.com
Tom McNamara Monday, 3/4/02, 2:05 PM
Just checking in. I cleared my hard drive and lost theSampson web sight.Having a senior moment could not remember it until today when I got an e-maill with it in. I searched other web sight like tincan Sailors and the sampson News with no results. Tom McNamara co 124 & co 167 March-June 1943
From: Niagara Falls, NY
E-mail: namaran@aol.com
Robert J. Burke Monday, 3/4/02, 9:53 AM
Salute! Permission to come aboard. I was sent to Sampson in 1950 for Basic AIR FORCE training.I ended up a combat crew gunner on B-29 out of Yakota Japan bombing the hell out of the North Koreans. Is there a Sampson Air Force website? Thanks. Bob
From: Now,Florida.B-4,Mass.
E-mail: rjburke@atlantic.net
Martin Elliott Monday, 3/4/02, 6:22 AM
Have signed in before but needed to change my e-mail address still enjoy reading all the messages from all the vets and of course still hoping to find some of my old shipmates thanks for the good job.
From: Adams Center NY
E-mail: melliot3@twcny.rr.com
Henry L Sheldon Sunday, 3/3/02, 7:52 PM
I entered Sampson the 10 day of Aril 1944 I dont remember the group or people(names) I was there about 3to4 weeks and got a seven day leave to go home I then reported back at ogu and was then sent to Armed Guard School in Shelton Norfolk Va about a month later from the Armed School in Brooklynn I was assigned on the S/S Texmar about 10months later this ship was given to the Russians at Portland Org.after a trip back to Brooklynn I was assigned to the S/S Sag Harbor we made a round the world cruise and was given round the certificates I had the ancient Order of Deep for crossing the Internation Date line on the S/S Texmar I was returning on a trip from theCaroline Islands where a group of ships were gathering for an invashine into Japan.. when the atomic Bomb Was dropped twice.. we got orders to drop the ammunition over the side and put on our running lights what an ubeliveable time.. I then served about 3 months as a Brig Guard at Brooklyn and was discharged at Lido Beach LI. I have never forgotton all the lessons I learned as a 17 yr Old Kid.........
From: Connecticut
E-mail: henryshl@aol.com
Joseph Eugene Jacoby Sunday, 3/3/02, 6:47 PM
I arrived at Sampson in Company C in Jan.1945.' Give me line if you have any recollections.
From: Hamilton ,Ohio
Web Site: no web sight
E-mail: Gunpaj@cs.com
Wilson E. Williams Sunday, 3/3/02, 6:28 PM
From: Oak Hill, Fl. 32759
E-mail: tworoos@ucnsb.net
phil kasputis Sunday, 3/3/02, 2:54 PM
father went to basic here .camped here in 1995 told my father about it being state park and he was able to make it back to sampson. he recently deceased
From: massachusetts
E-mail: hkasputis@aol.com
phil kasputis Sunday, 3/3/02, 2:39 PM
father went to basic here .camped here in 1995 told my father about it being state park and he was able to make it back to sampson
From: massachusetts
E-mail: hkasputis@aol.com
BILL ADLEY Sunday, 3/3/02, 9:16 AM
From: EULESS TX. 76039
Web Site: BILL
E-mail: baoe542@hotmail.com
Gene O'Connor Sunday, 3/3/02, 7:05 AM
Been a while since I last checked this site and having just received e-mail from Russ Padden paying tribute to his dad, I am very happy to see the website he presented as well as this Sampson site. Looking for info in the Sampson site re YSD( Boats) and LTA (Blimps)
From: Teaneck, N.J.
E-mail: Celtic1472@aol.com
Gene O'Connor Sunday, 3/3/02, 7:05 AM
Been a while since I last checked this site and having just received e-mail from Russ Padden paying tribute to his dad, I am very happy to see the website he presented as well as this Sampson site. Looking for info in the Sampson site re YSD( Boats) and LTA (Blimps)
From: Teaneck, N.J.
E-mail: Celtic1472@aol.com
Rick Christie Sr. Saturday, 3/2/02, 11:53 PM
I was just a little boy during the war but my uncle Bill Christie served aboard an air craft carrier during the war. I'm very proud that I was able to serve my country in the Navy. I didn't have to be involved in any war, thank GOD for that. I was in from Nov.1961- Mar.1966. I was stationed at Mine Division 33 in Sasebo, Japan, USS Pledge(MSO-492)& USS Cape(MSI-2) Long Beach,Calif. I want to thank every man and woman and may GOD bless all that served in any way to keep our country free.
From: Alameda, CA
Web Site: USS Pledge MSO-492
E-mail: beenie94501@yahoo.com
Frank T. Gallenstein Saturday, 3/2/02, 8:26 PM
I don't remember what company, but I was in Quartermaster School during the months of February- June,1944. I was sent to Norfolk, Va. and assigned to the crew (being formed) of the USS Connolly(DE 306). We picked up the ship in July, 1944 at Mare Island, California. Recently I finished my book about the Connolly (July 8, 1944--Nov. 29, 1945). The book (Luck of Survival in the Pacific in WWII (DE 306)is printed but not published.
From: Cincinnati, Oh
E-mail: FTCrank@AOL.com
Albert W Seguin Saturday, 3/2/02, 7:43 PM
Looking for anyone from Unit G, Company 557, from July 28th1944 to Oct. 1944. With out a doubt, this is one of the best websites I have seen. Thank you for the enjoyment of viewing it. Visiting The Sampson Memorial in Sampson N.Y. also is nice.
From: North Providence,R.I.
Web Site: Albert W Seguin Retired US Navy
E-mail: Alseguin@webtv.net
Albert W Seguin Saturday, 3/2/02, 7:41 PM
Looking for anyone from Unit G, Company 557, from July 28th1944 to Oct. 1944. With out a doubt, this is one of the best websites I have seen. Thank you for the enjoyment of viewing it. Visiting The Sampson Memorial in Sampson N.Y. also is nice.
From: North Providence,R.I.
Web Site: Albert W Seguin Retired US Navy
E-mail: Alseguin@webtv.net
  Saturday, 3/2/02, 4:51 PM
Looking for anyone from C-Unit Company 118, November, 1944. ldstapey@aol.com
E-mail: ldstapey@aol.com
Russ Padden Saturday, 3/2/02, 9:51 AM
This message board is great! I have included a link to this site on my Sampson Naval Base Main Page. My Site is dedicated to the men who served in the Amphibious Forces in WWII. It has about a number of pages related to Sampson. check it out at www.rpadden.com. Thanks, Russ
From: New York State
Web Site: Amphbious Forces of WWII
E-mail: APA216@Yahoo.com
norman j andersen Saturday, 3/2/02, 7:05 AM
i signed in a few times, getting a bad feeling that i may be the sole survivor of company e-313! trained in sampson from march, 1944 to june, 1944. many of the "boots" at that time were from other states, many were older than i was. i don't remember names except for the other norman anderson. i guess bad memory keeps us from communicating,i see many sign-ins with a name only, no company number. this is a great web site, keep it up!
From: newark,nj, now hillsborough, nj
E-mail: bassen2@erols.com
Louis A. Bassano Friday, 3/1/02, 11:28 AM
Was in CO 408 F Unit May 18 1945 July31 1945 Then to Gaum Until Discharge
From: Moore,SC
E-mail: lbassano@aol.com
Carlton Covell Wednesday, 2/27/02, 4:53 PM
I enjoy this site very much, should get into it more often. Am rather new on the computer. Is ther a message area for this. Was thinking , this might be a good way to find long lost shipmates. What do you think ?. When I finished training at Sampson was shipped to Corpus Christi for Parachute School, finally wound up in Sqd'n VC 72 aboard ths Kasaan Bay 69 A CVE. I am also a life member of Sampson Vets. Regards Carlton Covell
From: Mechanicville, N.Y.
E-mail: ccglassman@aol.com
George H. Greene Wednesday, 2/27/02, 11:55 AM
Looking for CB vets. Thanks
From: Fairport N.Y.
E-mail: gggreene@frontiernet.net
OTIS "GIL" WENZEL Tuesday, 2/26/02, 1:36 PM
E-mail: gwenzel@povn.com
Vito N. Failla Sunday, 2/24/02, 5:29 PM
boot camp Sampson Dec. 1944 Waldron field Corpus Christi Texas 1945 USS Alpine APA 92 1945-46 USS Dayton CL 105 1946-49 USS Mindoro CVL 120 1949-49 USS Missouri BB 63 1949 Discharge Norfolk, Va. 1949
From: Buffalo,N.Y. At present LaVerne, Ca.
Web Site: vito or Vic
E-mail: VAFailla@msn.com
Richard Kroh Wednesday, 2/20/02, 1:08 PM
I was in boot camp at Sampson from June 1945 to August 1945 in C. Co. After 10 weeks training was shiped to calif. and from there to China. Anybody there at that time? Richard Kroh R.D.# 2 Box 409 Brookville, Pa. 15825
From: Brookville, Pa.
E-mail: rcrow@key-net.net
Bob Kennedy Sunday, 2/17/02, 4:19 PM
Hi Sampson veterans! I did my "boot" training at Sampson in the fall of '43. I don't remember the company name. (Who remembers things at my age?) Regards - Bob Kennedy
From: Melbourne, FL
E-mail: RCKBB63@AOL.com
JOE DEVINE Thursday, 2/14/02, 7:27 AM
HI looking for anyone who was in the CCC CAMP OUT IN BELTON.MONT. IN 1942 CO. 334 NP9 WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU. JOE
From: PHILA. PA.
Noble R. Card Friday, 2/8/02, 8:04 PM
Boot Camp-June 6 1943-C-118,Chief Keefe was our drill instuctor.My home town is Watertown,N.Y.
From: DeRuyter,N.Y.
E-mail: cardj@odyssey.net
Paul Lewandowski Thursday, 2/7/02, 2:00 PM
I have signed in before. I have now found my co. number and a picture of the whole company,if the staff at Sampson does not have the picture and and would like to have it let me know It is company 467 and the picture was taken July 26 1943.We were in building F13.
From: Palm Desert,California
E-mail: skilil@msn.com
Peter W (Kopestonsky) Kope Thursday, 2/7/02, 10:13 AM
Went through boot camp at Sampson March to June 1945.Unit E 14 Upper, Company 370. Served aboard the Gearing Destroyer U.S.S. Everett F. Larson DD-830. Our reunion group just donated enough to have a bench with a plaque placed at the Memorial Brig. Peter Kope
From: Cicero, NY.
E-mail: builder@baldcom.net
Ted Kaszuba Tuesday, 2/5/02, 7:12 AM
This is my second entry. Just want to keep my entry current in case some shipmates from Company 551 during October 1943 are reading this fine web page. Sure would like to hear from the gobs who were in the best choir company that Sampson ever had. You were a great bunch of guys. Ted RM2/c SS
From: Shelton, Connecticut
E-mail: tskaszuba01@snet.net
ed douglas Sunday, 2/3/02, 11:10 AM
Been following this web site for 2 years and enjoy it . Rarely find anyone I know. Sent in my naval background a few years ago. Good luck and God bless all.
From: brigantine, nj
Web Site: edfranret
E-mail: edfranret@aol.com
FRANCIS K STINGER SR, F.C. 2 Saturday, 2/2/02, 4:51 PM
I was a boot at Sampson NTS for 6 weeks starting on 9/9/43 in company 106. From there I went to Fire Control A school at Bainbridge Md. for 16 weeks. Upon graduation was transferred to Section Base Algiers, La. From Algiers I went to Washington DC. to attend special rocket school. Upon completion I was detailed to Charlston S.C. as part of the commissioning crew of the U.S.S.LSMR 410, on which I served until my hitch was up, and I was discharged.
E-mail: fstinger@comcast.com
Bill Murphy Friday, 2/1/02, 2:06 PM
Went thru boots at Sampson from Jan. to March of 1945 Then spent four more months at signal school.Sure do get a bang out of seeing your web sight Bill M>>>
From: Brooksville Fl.
E-mail: murphyw869@aol.com
omer eugene giguere Monday, 1/28/02, 9:27 PM
i went thru basic august 18 1943. for six or eight weeks. JANUARY 1 1943 was transfered to the USS EURYALE AS 22 SUB. TENDER.
From: vero beach florida
E-mail: lisagig@msn.com
Thomas L Garrett Saturday, 1/26/02, 12:37 PM
Sampson WW2 Navy Vet, served on the USS ABSD6 float- floating drydock, Apra Harbor, Guam
From: Carthage, New York 13619
Web Site: N/A
E-mail: N/A
raymond p. barry Thursday, 1/24/02, 11:55 AM
Just visiting,hope to find some shipmates that I served with rpbarry@mindspring.com
From: Uxbridge ma.