Angela LaRosa Hamman Wednesday, 7/17/02, 7:01 PM
My Father was Anthony LaRose Jr. He was in the Navy WWII and trained at this site. He passed away in 1994. I recently found his discharge and found USNTS Sampson on it. It is wonderful that I can find a glimpse of my father's life as a young man.--Thank you!
From: Connellsville, Pa.
E-mail: vze2ss4d@verizon.net
Phillip O'Brien Tuesday, 7/16/02, 9:12 AM
Was in the Air Force 47--51.Was sent to Berlin on the Airlift and was extended on duty in Germany when Korea started.Was sent to Sampson AFB.as Permenant Party to await discharge as My home town was only about 25 miles from Sanpson.In 1968 and 69 I was an EO with MCB-7.Had a tour to Viet-Nam and then was told I was too old to stay in.I guess I liked the hot weather better than the cold because I went to Orlando and have been t.here since.I joined SampsonAFVETS.Assoc.a short time ago
From: Orlando FL.
E-mail: o_brien_phil@hotmail.com
James F. Davis Sr. Sunday, 7/14/02, 3:39 AM
I have been to sampson state park a few times now and always find something new to do or see. My mother was born near there and I had an aunt that lived in Ovid and never really knew what was outside of Ovid until it was to late to enjoy it with her, But at least I can enjoy the park and other sites around there.
From: Glenfield,N.Y.
E-mail: slic168us@yahoo.com
KENNETH E GEORGE Sunday, 7/7/02, 2:53 PM
attended boot camp at sampson feb 44 followed by radio school then off to camp pendleton ca for amphibious training --then to pearl harbor. assigned to uss guam cb2 for duration of wwll. have lasting memories of my training at sampson. beautiful country and being only 16 my transition to manhood was memorable.
From: CORAL springs fl
E-mail: kegeo@aol.com
norman andersen Sunday, 7/7/02, 8:34 AM
boots april 1944, company e-313 have never seen any one on this site who was in 313, or any one in the Sampson ww2 veterans book, i went page by page! i hope i'm not the only survivor, i'm only 76. the only name i remember is norman anderson, a big swede!
From: now hillsboro, nj, then newark,nj
E-mail: bassen2@erols.com
Al (Chip) Sosienski Saturday, 6/29/02, 11:06 AM
Doing a great job with the web .I was in C139 left Sampson April 1944 for Camp Endicott,Davisville ,R.I.Naval Construction Batt. then to Port Hueneme ,California then to the Pacific
From: Wilmington , Delaware
Web Site: aasosienski
E-mail: aasosienski@aol.com
Marlene(Duke) Clingerman Friday, 6/28/02, 12:05 PM
Just got back from a vist to your museum. My father did his "boot camp" training at Sampson. What a wonderful museum you have there. I told my mother of our visit and she's looking for some of my dad's Navy memorabilia. If she finds anything, I'll be more than happy to share it with the museum. What a wonderful tribute!
From: Williamson, New York
E-mail: marbu@computer-connection.net
Richard Andrews Friday, 6/28/02, 11:10 AM
Looking for info on my father Clifford Andrews (deceased). He went through Sampson in early 1945. Nice website...very useful links.
From: Connecticut (now live in Florida)
E-mail: navy@rcandrews.mailshell.com
John A. Sherman Friday, 6/28/02, 8:46 AM
I have enjoyed your site, your muesum and was fortunate enough to have served with a few of the Sampson graduates. I served from 1960 to 1984. USS Argonaut SS475, served with SM1 Fred Franzillio. USS Lafayette SSBN 616 Blue and Gold crews. US Naval Submarine School, instructor. USS Fulton AS 11, Served with CWO4 John Dobranski. Supervisor of Shipbuilding Groton, Ct. (EB) USS Simon Lake AS 33. Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, GA. Fair winds.
From: Clifton Springs, New York
E-mail: jsherma2@rochester.rr.com
Donald A Rauseo Friday, 6/21/02, 6:58 AM
From: Massachusetts
E-mail: margrauseo@earthlink.net
JOSEPH T. WOLSTENCROFT Monday, 6/17/02, 5:09 PM
From: 26 Harrison Ave., Portsmouth, NH 03801
E-mail: JOEW1928@AOL.COM
Raymond K. Emery Thursday, 6/13/02, 6:49 PM
I am x Navy myself. 237-06-26 Even though i live this close to Sampson i have not been there yet. I even work at the other State Park. Watkins Glen. I spent 4 years on the USS Howard W Gilmore AS16. Anyone reading this and was stationed on her we have reuions every two years. Thank you, Ray
From: Montour Falls, NY
E-mail: tendergilmore@netscape.net
Charles R. Weir, Jr. Tuesday, 6/11/02, 5:36 PM
I am still trying to find the name and number of my boot company. I arrived on the 5th or 6th April 1945. Was transferred to Newport, RI after boots as part of ship's company for the USS Juneau CL-119. Thank you. Charlie plumbob@strato.net
From: Sebring, FL 33875-7506
Web Site: USS Juneau CL/CLAA-119
E-mail: plumbob@strato.net
Ray Holt Friday, 5/24/02, 12:41 PM
See you at the Waterloo Parade May 30, 2002.
From: Fulton, NY
Jack Ehring Friday, 5/24/02, 9:51 AM
Was at Sampson in Boot Company 154 Graduated Dec. '43 Also Graduated from Radio School At Sampson Class of 15-44. Then to Pacific aboard USS Otus. Discharged May 1946 Have photos of both the Boot Camp Class and the Radio Class
From: NY State
E-mail: jehring@nycap.rr.com
David B Smith Thursday, 5/23/02, 5:32 AM
Navy Anphib Officer - West Coast, 1974 - 1978
From: Owego, NY
E-mail: dbsmith@nyseg.com
  Tuesday, 5/21/02, 6:50 AM
Thomas JMarsella Tuesday, 5/21/02, 6:49 AM
From: Seneca Falls
E-mail: tmarsell@rochester.rr.com
William G. Pfau Monday, 5/20/02, 1:25 PM
Went though "Boots" in Dewey Co.. MAY 1945. Then to Hospital Corps School in San Diego. Then assigned to Hospital duty at Sampson until transferred to Philadelphia Naval.
From: Agawam, MA. 01001
E-mail: williampfau@aol.com
ROBERT HANKINS Saturday, 5/18/02, 7:33 AM
Kathy Bryant Thursday, 5/16/02, 9:28 PM
I am the daughter of a Sampson Boot. I have been looking for anyone who who may have been in Sampson 9/24/44-----427 CO---F unit. My Father was there, then transferred to the USS Amsterdam CL-101 as a plankowner. He was a firecontrol man on board. Please post or e-mail directly if you wish.I check this site often. Thank you.
From: TN formerly PA
E-mail: fanof4@aol.com
Bernard Franklin Wednesday, 5/15/02, 4:53 PM
Left Sampson 1943,boarded USS Cabot #28. After the war boarded the USS Wilson #847. My career in the Navy was from 1943 to 1947.
From: Florida
E-mail: benberny@comcast.net
Ralph F. Nicolia Sunday, 5/12/02, 4:28 AM
w s at Sampson in 1944 D unit Co. 249 Went to calf. NORTON SOUND AV 11 Would like to here from members
From: Ohio
E-mail: rfnicolia@1st.net
Peter G. Leasca Thursday, 5/9/02, 5:52 PM
I was in Boot Camp at the Sampson N.T.Station in 1943. I can remember the train ride with many new recruits on board riding from N.Y. City through Pennsylvania picking up new recruits along the way. We were in Unit D. Early next morning we had breakfast when the train stopped on the hilly plains and we had to go outside to eat. Our breakfast which consisted of beans with a slap of butter, catsup, bread, milk and an apple prepared us before we entered the station. I can never forget the boot camp training as it changed my life from a teenager to a matured person in a few weeks. I was proud to be part of Sampson and still have the Sampson Penant flag along with the Sampson newspaper in my home.
From: Worcester, MA.
Richard Mc Gown Monday, 5/6/02, 3:54 PM
Was in Sampson for boots in Feb thru March/April of l943. Worked in OGU Office and had charge of an OGU Barracks for a while. Was on the West Coast for a while then thru the South Pacific into Okinawa and Japan. Called back for Korean and Japan duty. Do no remember company number exceppt that it was Protestant Choir company for "F" company i believe. It would be nice to hear from any of you of that era
From: Utica, New YORK
E-mail: Secty 495@CS<COM
frank feduik Monday, 5/6/02, 5:15 AM
From: elmhurst, Pa.
E-mail: ffegj@aol.com
Donald Rifenburgh Friday, 5/3/02, 8:35 PM
Had my boot training in "F" unit from June through October 1944. Went from there to Electricians Mate school at Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana.
From: Middleburg, PA
E-mail: rifey@earthlink.net
Ed Douglas Friday, 5/3/02, 12:21 PM
Been checking this site for a long time and haven't heard from anyone. Joined the Navy in April 1944, went to boots at Sampson but only info I have as to Company is Company 150. Left Sampson and went to NATTc ,Memphis NATTC to be trained as AMM. Left there in Dec 1944 and went to Vero Beach NAS where I served as plane Captain. Next move was to San Diego NAS where I served in a CASU. From there I volunteered to go aboard the HOggatt Bay CVE 75 which was in San Diego for repairs. Served on her until April 1946 when I was discharged at the Boston Navy Yard. After the war, the Hoggatt Bay became part of the ships converted to a troop transport and we made three trips to various parts of the Pacific..As I was no longer needed on the flight deck and transferred to the N Division and was discharged from Bainbridge as a QM 3/c. Never heard from anyone from Sampson since. Nice talking to everyone. God bless all. Ed
From: Brigantine, NJ 08203
E-mail: edfranret@aol.com
Paul McKee Friday, 5/3/02, 12:08 PM
My new E mail Address ppmckee26@hotmail.com
From: Medina, NY 14103
E-mail: ppmckee26@hotmail.com
MSgt Delbert L. Holstein, USAF(ret) Thursday, 5/2/02, 5:20 PM
Sampson AFB Vets Association #1859. Sure wish you guy would meet with us on paltalk every Tues. and Thurs. evening at 2100 hrs eastern. Great Web Site!!
From: St. Albans, West Virginia
E-mail: dlholstsr@dlholstein.com
  Thursday, 5/2/02, 8:11 AM
John Thursday, 5/2/02, 6:49 AM
Wallace G. Vinson Wednesday, 5/1/02, 8:21 PM
Arrived Sampson NTC July 1944. Assigned to D Unit, Co. 226 Barracks D13L. After "Boots" assigned to Camp Perry, Williamsburg, Virginia for cargo school. Reassigned to USS Gillette DE 681. Served in the Asiatic Pacific Theater returning to San Diego December 1945. Discharged from Great Lakes NTC June 1946. Have our paths crossed? Would like to hear from you.
From: Dayton, Ohio
E-mail: wgdjv@earthlink.net
joseph angiolillo Sunday, 4/28/02, 7:06 PM
I was at sampson boot camp august 1944 to sept 1944 unit G co 568 then signal school thru feb 23 1945 then ss Robert Lansing then ss Peregrine tru june 1946 Joe Angiolillo
From: west harrison n,y.
E-mail: parfarm @aol .com
Merrill Roth Sunday, 4/28/02, 1:10 PM
Sampson boot camp company 579 G company 1945 Naval Base Key West Fl. Ship PCS ??86 or ??88 working with the sonar school and Subs, Discharged eletricians mate 3c late 1946. Fond memories during total service period. Always interested in anyone who can recall being in the same locations at the same time?
From: Youngstown, NY
E-mail: merrillroth@cs.com
dick lessard Saturday, 4/27/02, 7:39 AM
I was at Sampson Boot Camp from January 20, 1944 thru end of February, Went to Fleet Sound School in Key West and onto the USS WYFFELS< DE #6. Spent some time at Charleston, SC Naval Hospital. Now retired ex-state employee. Member of DESA, the Destroyer Escort Sailors Association since 1975 and local member of CONN-DESA, a Connecticut Chapter of DESA. Life member DAV.
From: east hartford, ct.
E-mail: moviebilia@aol.com
RAY SCIARRATTA Friday, 4/26/02, 3:42 PM
I am trying to get any information on my brothers naval career. DAN SCIARRATTA AND FRANK SCIARRATTA went thru Sampson. Is there any site I can log onto get that info or can you help? Thanks. RAY SCIARRATTA
E-mail: rayro1911@comcast.net
RAY SCIARRATTA Friday, 4/26/02, 3:19 PM
I am trying to get any information on my brothers naval career. DAN SCIARRATTA AND FRANK SCIARRATTA went thru Sampson. Is there any site I can log onto get that info or can you help? Thanks. RAY SCIARRATTA
E-mail: rayro1911@comcast.net
Rick Bachman Monday, 4/22/02, 9:11 PM
I'm a member of Tin Can Sailors. I served in the US Navy 1983-1987.
From: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
E-mail: snickz@earthlink.net
Rick Bachman Monday, 4/22/02, 9:09 PM
I'm a member of Tin Can Sailors. I served in the US Navy 1983-1987.
From: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
E-mail: snickz@earthlink.net
Paul Skinner Monday, 4/22/02, 10:14 AM
Hi to all, Would like to invite anyone to come over to Pal-Talk on Tues.& Thurs. Evennings at 9:00 PM EST and join in with other Sampson Vets for general conversation and a few laughs, hash over old times. Usually have six to eight folks on. The instructions for down-loading Pal-Talk are on the Air Force section of this Web site. It's a freebe, so come on over and join in. Look forward to hearing from you folks. Best Regards to all. Paul Skinner #799...:}
From: Hudson Valley,NY
E-mail: pskinner@hvc.rr.com
vincent t. warner Sunday, 4/21/02, 3:10 PM
I went from boot camp at Sampson sometime in feb. or march of l944 and west directly into d-day. Do you have photos of my boot class company?
From: city island, n.y.
E-mail: dadwarner8@aol
Charles R. Weir, Jr. Thursday, 4/18/02, 8:24 AM
I am the webmaster for the USS Juneau CL/CLAA-119. Many of the 1945 boots are Plank Owners for her. She was commissioned 15 February 1946. I would appreciate anything you can do to reference the web site. Also I can't remember my company name or number. I arrived either late 5 April or early 6 April 1945. Can you please provide me with that information. Thank you. C. R. Weir, Jr.
From: Formerly Phila., PA - now Sebring, FL
Web Site: USS Juneau CL/CLAA-119
E-mail: plumbob@strato.net
ed douglas Monday, 4/15/02, 4:37 PM
Been checking regularly and only found one shipmate from the Hoggatt Bay CVE75. Served aboard her from 2/45 until 5/46. Was in Sampson IN 4/44, then AMM school Memphis until 11/44, Vero Beach NAS until 1/45and San Diego until I went aboard the Hoggatt Bay.
From: brigantine, nj
E-mail: edfranret@aol.com
Peter G Antonaccio Sunday, 4/14/02, 4:06 PM
From: Brentwood, NY
E-mail: razzano41a@hotmail.com
Joseph M Sunday, 4/14/02, 11:11 AM
Still looking for old buddies. Was in Co. 150 C unit July 1944. Transfered to CBs 144th Batt., Davisville, RI., then Port huineme (spelling). Shipped out to Guam until 1946. Can do!
From: Groton, New York
E-mail: Joe70223@twcny.rr.com
Richard D. Bell Friday, 4/12/02, 12:30 PM
Do you have any info on personal from CO 147 Unit C in March of 1943. Please send e-mail to my friend address ( silic@worldnet.att.net) Thanks, Richard Bell
From: Taylor, PA 18517-1916
E-mail: Using Friends: silic@worldnet.att.net
  Monday, 4/8/02, 6:03 PM
Frank Murphy Thursday, 4/4/02, 12:16 PM
You have a fine web site here. I was in the Navy from 1951 to 1955. Took my boot training at Great Lakes, Company 322, from February until May 1951. Reported to the USS ROBERT A. OWENS DDE827 for duty. Lots of water has gone over the dam since then. Had many good times, as I, remember those yesterdays just like they were today.
From: Watertown, N.Y.
E-mail: murphy_21124@msn.com
George H. Greene Wednesday, 4/3/02, 8:04 AM
I was ther in 1944 Unit G . Went into the C.B. and was shiped over sea to England and France. We hauled suplies for the invasion on Normondy invasion. I was luckey I came home in one piece George Greene
From: Farmington NY
E-mail: gggreene@frontier.net.