oscar r sanford Wednesday, 10/23/02, 5:31 PM
went through as navy.
From: st albans wv.
E-mail: ors2@citynet.net
Dick Mc Gown Friday, 10/18/02, 9:54 AM
Arrived at Sampson Feb.of l943. Was in choir company that painted corners of all rooms and landings white for inspection. Guess what thw results were. Would be nice to hear from any of you from that era
From: Utica, New York (Now Calif)
E-mail: Secty495@cs.com
Sylvester L. Giustino Thursday, 10/17/02, 7:23 PM
From: Pelham, New York
maryann malek burt Sunday, 10/13/02, 1:00 PM
My father, John Alexander Malek, was on the USS Sampson from approximately 1940-1944.I would appreciate any information on possible registers that would have my father's name listed as serving on the USS Sampson. Thank You, Maryann Malek Burt
From: turnersville new jersey
E-mail: altaireight@worldnet.att.net
Chris Vance Sunday, 10/13/02, 7:51 AM
Great to see so many WWII Vets still in the good fight!!! I'm a carrier aviator who flew F-14's during the late 70's and early 80's. God bless all you guys and gals that fought during the Big One to keep us free!! Wish I could meet you all and get your story. Today I'll be taking my son to your museum - really looking forward to showing him the life you led. Fair Wind and Following Seas to All.
From: Klamth Falls, OR
thomas Muir Friday, 10/11/02, 9:39 AM
Imade a mistake on my last entry. Iwas in D Unit Co.223upper in July 1944,not 1945.
From: NJ
E-mail: vfwpc@aol.com
greg dunn Thursday, 10/3/02, 12:47 PM
wrote a while ago asking about john dunn. found that he went through sampson in early 1944. from there to newport and aboard the uss vicksburg in 44 and 45.he was a barber aboard ship and shell carrier for turret gunner. greg dunn
From: elmira,ny
E-mail: gdunn@stny.rr.com
Bob Mullins Monday, 9/30/02, 7:09 PM
Hi, This week on ebay I am running a Company photo from Sampson. It is company 117 garduating on November 14, 1944. Thought you would like to know. Bob
From: Wilmington, DE
E-mail: wsalbob@aol.com
Thomas Muir Monday, 9/30/02, 7:55 AM
I was in D unit Co.223U In July 1945.
From: NJ
E-mail: vfwpc@aol.com
Howard "Hod"Heineke Friday, 9/27/02, 7:53 PM
Member#5734 Co C174 First time I've seen the new site. Haven't chance to view it. Previous site was awesome; this one will be even better, I'm sure.
From: Bellevue, KY & Evendale, OH
E-mail: hheineke@juno.com
John Driscoll Sunday, 9/22/02, 8:26 AM
Tom Received your e mail unable to answere your e mail address is not listed thanks for writing Jack Driscoll
From: Pokipsie
E-mail: papad713@aol.com
Harry T. Weaver Saturday, 9/21/02, 1:18 PM
I never kept records and can not remember much, but took my boot camp training at SNTC beginning in February of 1943 and later served in the Pacific Theater. I was in the service from Feb. 1943 till April of 1946. This is the first I knew of a site for SNTC. Brings back some memories.
From: Hemet, CA
E-mail: jeanhar@ivic.net
Louis Preston Friday, 9/20/02, 4:50 PM
Looking for someone who arrived at Sampson on May 23,1945, was in Dewey Unit. Graduated August 16,1945. Would like a Company number and barracks number
From: Painted Post, N.Y.
E-mail: louisp@infoblvd.net
Ralph C. Jones EMC USN {ret} Thursday, 9/19/02, 2:30 PM
Just reveiwing the latest entrys. Still looking for survivors of Co 183 C unit later part of 44.
From: Williamstown Ma/New Berlin Wi
Web Site: clintmar
E-mail: clintmar@execpc.com
Paul P. McKee Tuesday, 9/17/02, 6:36 AM
The navy muesum is open 10am to 3;30 pm week ends. Sat. and Sun.
From: Medina, NY
E-mail: ppmckee26@hotmail.com
Thomas Muir Monday, 9/16/02, 5:42 AM
To John Driscoll,Iwas in Unit D12 upper,company 223,arrived 5 July 1944. I also went to EM School at Sampson and was assigned to the USS Duplin AKA 87. I don't know if you were in the same boot company but I have a photo of the company and could make of it if would help. Tom
From: NJ
E-mail: www.vfwpc@aol.com
Brian Scudder Sunday, 9/15/02, 5:15 AM
is the meusum still open, if so what are the hours.
From: usa
E-mail: bscudder.stny@rr.com
Vincent M. Dietrich Thursday, 9/12/02, 6:51 PM
F-Unit Company 410 July 27'44
From: originally Ridgefield, NJ
E-mail: WC44@adelphia.net
Bob Guyette Thursday, 9/12/02, 5:53 PM
Arrived at USNTC Sampson,NY on Nov 12,1943,was sent to Electrical School at Iowa State College in Jan,1944.Served on the USS Niagara APA 87 in the South Pacific in 44,45,46.At Sampson I was in C UNIT[I think] Co.156 I have boot group picture of Co.156,taken on Nov.30,1943,Would like to hear from any one who might have served at any of those times and places.I live in Kingston,Pa
From: Kingston,Pa
E-mail: rgy2@cs.com
Jim Kelly Monday, 9/9/02, 8:39 PM
Its been quite a. while since I was on this web cite.I thought it was about time that I visited again
From: Middlesex,N Y
E-mail: jkellyb@localnet.com
Al Kuchler Saturday, 9/7/02, 10:56 AM
Enjoyed browsing the WEB site, CO. 385 "E" 1944
From: Voorhees, NJ
Web Site: none
E-mail: none
Joseph Shaffer Friday, 9/6/02, 1:36 PM
In Jan 1944 I was assigned to Boot Camp at the Naval Base at Sampson NY I do not remember the Chief in charge but I recall his first words to us they were youre my 13th Co and I hope you are a good one
From: Scranton Pa 18505
E-mail: Joe yuss@aol.com
Gordon Blanchard Friday, 9/6/02, 12:27 PM
All have done a splined job. It is some thing to be proud of. I hope it will last for many of years to come so we as navy boots will not befor gotten. I am proud of all that have had a part in getting the Memorial Museum in shAPE gordon Blanchard lst 285
From: Watkins Glen n.y.
Web Site: lst285
E-mail: lst285@cs.com
Gus Kilthau Sunday, 8/25/02, 8:42 PM
Just wanted to tell all of you "old salts" a loud HOWDY and to remind everyone that Reunion Time is here again. Maybe, if I am lucky, I will get a chance to meet up with some of you "boots" again at Sampson in early September. Best regards, Gus Kilthau http://www.sampsonvets.com
From: Houston, Texas
Web Site: SampsonVets(sm)
E-mail: gus@sampsonvets.com
john Sunday, 8/25/02, 8:28 AM
looking for anyone that entered sampson july 44 assigned to d unit need the company number after boot was sent to camp perry va for cargo handling after school to Calf T I, then to apa uss Pitt there was two driscoll in boot the other was richard Thanks for any help jack Driscoll
From: driscoll
E-mail: papad713@aol.com
John Sunday, 8/25/02, 8:19 AM
Dick Silva Wednesday, 8/21/02, 4:16 PM
Will someone answer this request for information and send it to the e-mail address as listed above. When will the Museum close for the year? My daughter in law would like to visit this year.
From: Pocono Mts. , PA
E-mail: usndoc45@intergrafix.net
Jane Kornmann Kline Wednesday, 8/21/02, 9:17 AM
I was the first baby girl born at the Sampson Naval Hospital in 1943. I am bringing my mother (82 years) to see the "old place" in October, 2002.
From: Canton, Massachusetts
E-mail: jkline11@yahoo.com
billy Crawford Monday, 8/19/02, 1:43 PM
Arrived at Sampson in early Jan, 1944. Had 3 weeks of boot camp then to radio school at Bedford Springs,Pa. Attended submarine school but had nose bleed problems and was assigned to DE-577 ALexander Joseph Luke. Discharged in April 1946 at New Orleans. Was RM3/C and had passed my RM 2/C and Fox certificate in Norfolk, Va in July 1945 while was on special training when DE-577 was converted to DEP-577, VJ day, ship's crew returned to Houston, Tx and sailed away in December 1945 when ship was compled at the Brown Shipyard.
From: San Marcos, Texas
E-mail: ajluke@corridor.net
Victor Saturday, 8/17/02, 1:18 PM
Sorry, I boo-booed on the e-mail address in the previous message.
From: Fake
E-mail: vefake@yahoo.com
Victor Fake Saturday, 8/17/02, 1:16 PM
Don Gingell and I were together in Radio School at Sampson after we went through boot camp there, and we served together in Argus 26. He pointed out to me the fact that I listed my old e-mail address. Now I'm showing the new e-mail address.
From: Jacksonville,FL
E-mail: vefake@jyahoo.com
Don Gingell Saturday, 8/17/02, 11:40 AM
Reported to Sampson 3-25-43 for Boots....followed by Radio School at same station...Argus 26, Port Hueneme, Ca. and Vero Beach, Fl. transferred to CASU 5 Navy 3233 Ebye/Kwajalein with Commander Marshall/Gilbert Is. Communication Ctr. Mustered out 3-9-46
From: Kingston, Pa. now Ft. Myers, Fl.
E-mail: dukenmarge@earthlink.net
Victor Fake Saturday, 8/10/02, 2:32 PM
From: Jacksonville, FL
E-mail: vicfake@juno.com
greg dunn Thursday, 8/8/02, 3:21 PM
my grandfather went through sampson in 1943 i believe. his name is john (jack) dunn. my dad said he never spoke of the war except he served in the pacific during ww2. survived a kamakazi attack and was on a couple of different ships. i dont know the names of any of the ships he served on. he may have been a barber aboard ship. he passed away around 1961 or 62. wondered if anyone out there may know of him and what he was like. he had a lot of problems after the war and his life after was not too good. my dad never saw him after 1949. thanks greg dunn
From: elmira,ny
E-mail: gdunn@stny.rr.com
Richard Burget Thursday, 8/8/02, 1:49 PM
A Big 4.0
From: Punta Gorda, Fl.
E-mail: rpburget@sunline.net
Richard Burget Thursday, 8/8/02, 1:46 PM
From: Punta Gorda, Fl.
E-mail: rpburget@sunline.net
Thomas L Garrett Monday, 8/5/02, 4:38 PM
05 August 02 Took boot training in E-Unit, Company 360, WW-2. Left Sampson on troop train for CA . Went overseas on Ak-221, USS Kenmore. Went aboard the USS ABSD-6, floating drydock located in Apra Harbor, Guam. Duties while aboard the dock: cook stricker, mess cook 90 days, Captain's Gig 90 days, and last assignment port side wingwall crane operator. Returned to the US in July 1946. Looking for anyone who served aboard the ABSD-6 or ABSD-3 who took boot camp in E-Unit, Co. 360.
From: Carthage, NY 13619
E-mail: Navyvetg@hotmail.com
Thomas L Garrett Monday, 8/5/02, 4:35 PM
05 August 02 Took boot training in E-Unit, Company 360, WW-2. Left Sampson on troop train for CA . Went overseas on Ak-221, USS Kenmore. Went aboard the USS ABSD-6, floating drydock located in Apra Harbor, Guam. Duties while aboard the dock: cook stricker, mess cook 90 days, Captain's Gig 90 days, and last assignment port side wingwall crane operator. Returned to the US in July 1946. Looking anyone who served aboard the ABSD-6 or ABSD-3 who took boot camp in E-Unit, Co. 360. Member of the SVWII Vets.
From: Carthage, NY 13619
E-mail: Navyvetg@hotmail.com
Harry Allston Sunday, 8/4/02, 4:23 PM
I would hope I hear from you old salts ...... At the age of eighteen, I was inducted into the U.S. Navy on 12/30/1943 and sent by, Lehigh Valley RR, to Sampson Naval Training Station, NY. I underwent training for about five weeks. Was then transferred, on or about 2/2/44, to Camp Bradford, VA. I was assigned to LCT #001 (A Mark 5) at Camp Bradford, for training. Upon completion of training the crew traveled, by train, to Tonawanda, NY and picked up LCT #1019 (Mark 6). Sailed the LCT down the Erie Canal to Newport News. Was assigned to Flotilla Two. The LCT #1019 was then loaded by a very large crane onto the deck of LST #603 and we were transported, via LST #603, to Oran, Africa where we were 'dumped' in the Mediterranean. Trained in landings at Algiers and then on to Tunisia where we were towed, by LCI, to Palermo, Sicily. More training and then in on the tail end of the invasion at Anzio, Italy. Moved up to Salerno then up to Naples for more training and eventually, loaded for Southern France. Had 3 Sherman tanks, 2 - 10 wheeler trucks, 2 jeeps and about 150 troops. Landed in Sardinia to allow troops to eat and bath in water. Reloaded and on to Southern France. Went in to St. Tropez on the 2nd wave and then did much ship to shore. Mostly troops and equipment. Dates elude me but we returned to Africa where we were loaded, by a `floatingż crane onto the deck of LST #492 and returned to the states. Ports of call included Ora and Bizerte, Africa. Palermo, Sicily. Naples and Leghorn, Italy. Sardinia and Corsisia. St. Ralphel, St. Tropez and Marsielles, Southern France. After a time we were assigned LCT #647, Flotilla 41, Group 122 for Pacific operations. This was loaded on LST #1080 in "THREE" sections!!! Two days out of Pearl Harbor the conflict ended. Upon our arrival in Pearl Harbor, we, the crew assembled the LCT in the water. If we had known that one of the connecting tanks would be our water supply, we might have taken more pains to make it water tight. Consequently, we drank salty water for about a year. Spent most of the time at Pearl Harbor in East Loch doing ship to shore. The LCT was loaded onto LST #47 (in one piece) and we returned to the states for discharge. Our group was assigned to Flotilla #10. Some of the men I remember serving with were: Herbert Reynolds, EM (Rhode Island) *** Ens. Gszell, LCT 1019 (East Orange, NJ) *** Robert Mount, QM (Wounded by shrapnel in S. France) *** Mike Dadonna, Cook (Philadelphia, PA) *** Ens. Farmer, LCT 647*** J Y Hoffman, SEA1 (Macon, GA) *** Doug Huskins, GM *** Don Calloway, SEA1*** John Pomerski, MMM *** Henry Hillier, COX (Bronx, NY) *** John Ireland, ??? *** Robert March, SEA1 I started as F 2/C to SEA 2/C to SEA 1/C, to Coxwain and ended my tour as BM 2/C. I have some pictures of LCT's and you are most welcome to copy or scan them. I am 76 years of age (10-28-1925) and in pretty good health. I try to stay active and do try to keep the 'gray matter' working. Would welcome any and all contacts to my E-Mail address (ALLNAVY@JUNO.COM).
From: Tempe, AZ
E-mail: allnavy@juno,com
Harry Allston Sunday, 8/4/02, 4:07 PM
Have signed in before. Just wanted to 'touch base' again. LCT-1019 and LCT-647. Harry
From: Phila, PA - Tempe, AZ
E-mail: allnavy@juno.com
Edward O'Connell Friday, 8/2/02, 7:30 PM
Left Sampson 44 ,pacific campaign, USS Shasta AE6 , Peleiu to Phillipines, to Okinawa. Came Back commissioned Newport News, Discharged '51.
From: Sanford No. Carolina
Web Site: USNtrevor
E-mail: uantrevoraol.com
William G. Pfau Friday, 8/2/02, 1:48 PM
I was a "Boot" in May of 1945. Fro OGU I weny to Hospital Corps School n San Diego. Later I served at the Naval Hospital at Sampson. Great duty.
From: Agawam, Ma.
E-mail: williampfau@aol.com
Jack Myers Wednesday, 7/31/02, 2:00 PM
Iwas at Sampson in Calahan Unit Class 184 C21 1945
From: Kokomo, IN.
E-mail: jmyers1064@aol.com
Steve Bull Tuesday, 7/30/02, 1:46 PM
Sampson Navy Museum open 5 days a week form 10AM to 4PM, come early takes 2 houes at least to see all. Closed Mon & Tues. to give Guides time off. We are getting two 26 feet small boats from the Navy for our Museum displays in the very near future.
From: Sampson Navy Museum
E-mail: lst848@aol.com
Naomi Hibbard Brown Tuesday, 7/30/02, 10:46 AM
WAVE 1944 - 1945 Boot Hunter College, NYC Cooks and Bakers School, stationed at Naval Reseach Lab Wash. D.C. Husband Robert was at Sampson.
From: RR1 Box93 Millerton, PA
E-mail: granbrwn@npacc.net
Bob Vogel Monday, 7/29/02, 9:33 PM
After viewing the Web Site I am convinced that our "Logo" should be changed. The Eagle should be placed in the middle where it belongs. I have had many comments on this as to why it isn`t in the center I took the liberty of rearranging one on my computer and it does look better. This is our National Logo, I think we should get it right????
From: West Springfield, Mass.
E-mail: philseacv471@prodigy.net
ETC ret Larry Brown Sr. Monday, 7/29/02, 7:20 PM
My Father GMMC(machine gun not missle) Robert B. Brown was a boot at Sampson. I hope to visit there tomorrow if the museum is open. Dad passed on in 1988. We have some pctures and Mother has some of their uniforms. She was a WAVE boot in Bainbridge. Cook 3rd Class. Thanks for what you are doing.
From: RR2 Millerton, PA 16936
E-mail: lbrown@altavista.net
Paul McGee Sunday, 7/28/02, 4:41 PM
Neat site, went through boot in Diego early 1955,went directly to the fleet. A tin Can out of Pearl harbor, served 23 mo. on it then to a Tin Can out of Long Beach, Cal. for 14 mo..Last ship was a Can out of San Diego from which I was discharged in Dec. 58. Had a total of 3 yrs. 7 mo's. and 24 days of sea duty of which 32 mo's. was overseas. Loved all my Navt time as I got to places I'd never gotten to as a civilian. Did 3 tours in the far east and 1 to South America. Paul McGee ex M.M.2/c
From: Plattsburgh, N.Y.
E-mail: railroadman@westelcom.com
philip lasalle Sunday, 7/28/02, 2:41 PM
Did boot training at sampson,July-Oct,1945.I was in co.444 and co.452 F unit.Left OGU for San Diego Cal.and went to radar school at Point Loma.Went aboard Uss Leyte CV.32 V-3 Div.out of Norfolk.Made a few Med.cruises and was discharged at the Brooklyn navy yard in 1948.Went to Sampson last week and was amazed at all the work that's been done.A real dedicated group of volunteers.Keep up the good work.
From: new hampshire
E-mail: Flip lasalle@aol.com
Ted Kaszuba Thursday, 7/18/02, 1:06 PM
This is my second or third sign in. Just want to keep it current in case anyone from "G Unit" Company 551 October 1943 reads it. Have not seen any of the Boot Camp shipmates since 1944. God Bless--- Ted
From: Shelton, CT
E-mail: TedKaszuba@aol.com