Sackett | Malcolm | 02-20 | Injured in Jap raid. |
Sage | Charles | 09-25 | |
Sage | Charles L. | 09-17 | 45 classified for induction. |
Sage | Charles L. | 11-24 | |
Sages | Ralph | 01-27 | promoted |
Salisbury | Clyde L. | 12-16 | Called for induction tests. |
Salisbury | Earl | 01-06 | |
Salisbury | Earl D. | 10-19 | |
Salisbury | Herman G. | 05-18 | Promoted |
Salvina | James J. | 12-28 | |
Sandoli | Tony | 03-13 | promoted |
Sargeant | Donald C. | 09-17 | 45 classified for induction. |
Sargent | Donald C. | 09-22 | |
Sargent | Donald C. | 10-13 | Leaving for military service. |
Sargent | Fred | 03-24 | promoted |
Sargent | Warren | 04-09 | Married to Ellen Dutcher. |
Sargent | Warren B. | 04-27 | |
Sargent | Wellington | 08-23 | |
Scarzafava | Marino J. | 10-24 | Reporting for duty at the Navy recruiting station. |
Schaeffer | Jean | 02-22 | WAAC sister of John Roger Schaeffer. |
Schafer | Francis D. | 12-16 | Called for induction tests. |
Schatzky | Leo | 01-05 | |
Schatzky | Leo | 09-01 | Commissioned. |
Schemerhorn | Kenneth | 04-01 | |
Schemerhorn | Kenneth William | 03-27 | |
Schluep | John Francis Henry | 07-06 | Marries Ruth Elizabeth Barlow |
Schmidt | Glenn | 06-11 | Sampson |
Schrull | John Jr. | 02-20 | |
Schuman | Milton | 02-15 | promoted |
Scorzafava | Marino J. | 08-29 | |
Scott | Francis E. | 01-14 | marries Mary Helen Mahar |
Scott | Lawrence P. | 01-05 | |
Scott | Samuel E. | 01-27 | |
Scudder | Douglas | 09-23 | Reservists leave for Army Camp. |
Scudder | Douglas J. | 09-21 | Leave for camp induction. |
Scudder | Douglas J. | 09-25 | Inducted. |
Scudder | George W. | 10-11 | Leaving for military service. |
Scudder | Gerald Wayne | 09-21 | Classified for induction. |
Sears | Betty | 03-04 | WAAC |
Secord | Edward J. | 12-28 | Called for induction. |
Secord | Raymond | 08-26 | Member of a mountain regiment skilled in skiing, climbing and covering terrain which would baffle the ordinary mortal. Arrived in Kiska. |
Seeley | James M. | 09-25 | Inducted. |
Selleck | William, | 02-19 | |
send 64 in March | 04-02 | ||
Settle | Caskey | 07-16 | Red Cross in the middle east. . |
Settle | Caskey Dr. | 04-03 | Red Cross |
Severance | Clayton | 12-08 | Graduated from Naval photography school. |
Seybolt | Arthur Edgar | 06-27 | Marries Edna Lowe Hatcher. |
Shaceffer | John Roger | 02-22 | Brother of Jean Schaffer. |
Shafer | Norman L | 09-30 | Wounded in New Guinea. |
Shank | Gerald | 12-17 | Promoted. |
Shaw | Douglas | 06-14 | Brother of Guy H. Shaw. |
Shaw | Guy H. | 06-12 | |
Shaw | Guy H. | 06-14 | Brother of Douglas Shaw. |
Shaw | Guy H. | 09-27 | Promoted. |
Shearer | Bruce C. | 08-07 | Commissioned. |
Sheehan | Frederick J. | 11-05 | Volunteer entertainer for a mobile USO show. |
Sheetz | William b. | 12-16 | Called for induction tests. |
Sheldon | George E. | 05-14 | Engaged to Irmgard Makowiecki Army Nurse. |
Sheppard | Nelson J. | 03-31 | Promoted |
Sherman | Arthur T. | 09-17 | 45 classified for induction. |
Sherman | Foster | 07-30 | Army reservist. |
Sherwood | Charles C. | 10-11 | Leaving for military service. |
Sherwood | Charles Crance | 09-21 | Classified for induction. |
Sherwood | Leroy F. | 12-16 | Called for induction tests. |
Shields | Harold M. | 11-02 | Wounded in action in Europe and in North Africa. |
Shields | Harold M. | 12-02 | Wounded in action in Italy. |
Shields | Kenneth John Andrew | 01-22 | |
Shields | William | 05-08 | |
Shipman | Gerald N. | 12-28 | Called for induction. |
Short | Thomas Richard Jr. | 09-21 | Classified for induction. |
Short | Wesley P. | 02-12 | |
Shumway | Maynard A. | 03-06 | |
Shutters | Clifford | 01-06 | |
Signor | Chauncey B. | 02-05 | commissioned |
Signor | Chauncey B. | 02-19 | Brother of Miles H. Signor. |
Signor | Joseph Leo | 11-12 | |
Signor | Miles H. | 02-19 | Brother of Chauncey B. Signor. |
Silliman | John B. | 09-07 | |
Silliman | John B. | 12-30 | Marries Josephine Duffy. |
Sillman | John B. | 09-25 | Inducted. |
Silvernail | Donald B. | 09-17 | 45 classified for induction. |
Silvernail | Donald B. | 09-22 | |
Silvernail | Donald B. | 10-13 | Leaving for military service. |
Simmons | Donald R. | 02-22 | |
Simmons | Earl | 10-15 | |
Simmons | Paul | 07-24 | |
Simmons | Robert N., | 09-25 | |
Simmons | Robert Ned | 09-21 | Classified for induction. |
Simonds | Robert Jr. | 02-05 | Sampson |
Simpson | Irving Jr. | 12-28 | Called for induction. |
Sinclair | Helen M. | 11-05 | WAVES |
Sission | Raymond | 02-19 | |
Sisson | Charles | 01-06 | |
Sisum | Ernest | 11-29 | Promoted. |
Skinner | Andrew | 06-17 | |
Skinner | George Jr. | 07-03 | Promoted. |
Slater | Howard | 08-26 | |
Sleezer | James L. | 07-31 | Fatally injured in a fall at the Half Moon hotel, Coney Island where he was quartered. |
Sloan | William H. | 12-16 | Called for induction tests. |
Sloan | William Harold | 09-21 | Classified for induction. |
Sloat | Neal | 12-18 | Sampson. |
Smith | Albert | 08-20 | Albert is not in the service but his brothers. Marvin, Bernard and Leslie are. |
Smith | Clyde E. | 03-16 | |
Smith | Earl G. | 05-12 | |
Smith | Elton J. | 03-22 | commissioned |
Smith | Erle A. | 08-10 | |
Smith | Frank | 12-28 | Called for induction. |
Smith | George L. | 12-16 | Called for induction tests. |
Smith | George L. | 12-28 | Sampson Inducted by the Navy. |
Smith | Herbert L. | 11-30 | Reservist entrains for the Army reception center at Camp Upton. |
Smith | Irving H. | 09-17 | 45 classified for induction. |
Smith | Ivan A. | 02-11 | promoted |
Smith | Lewis | 03-23 | |
Smith | Martin N. | 09-25 | Inducted. |
Smith | Marvin E. | 03-19 | |
Smith | Milton | 03-18 | |
Smith | Ralph | 04-15 | |
Smith | Ralph f. | 03-27 | |
Smith | Richard G.. | 07-16 | Promoted. |
Smith | Robert E. | 10-11 | Leaving for military service. |
Smith | Robert Gordon | 09-21 | Classified for induction. |
Smith | Willard | 07-05 | |
Snavely | Harry F. | 02-02 | |
Snipes | James Preston | 11-09 | Married to Katherine Kusko. |
Snyder | Frank | 03-15 | |
Sobers | James B. | 10-11 | |
Sommer | Robert D. | 09-25 | Inducted. |
Sousa | Robert | 01-15 | marriage |
South Dakota | 01-04 | ||
Southard | Howard | 11-05 | Brother of Kendall Southard. |
Southard | Kendall | 11-05 | Brother of Howard Southard. |
Speenburgh | Gleason B. | 04-30 | Dist. Atty. |
Speh | Norris C. | 12-28 | Called for induction. |
Spencer | Albert | 09-17 | Marries Theresa Amatuccio. |
Spencer | Hilton | 06-01 | Wounded in action. |
Speranzi | Andrew | 02-18 | Joins Oneonta post American Legion. |
Speranzi | Andrew | 05-26 | Brother of Anthony and Joseph (killed in action) Speranzi. |
Speranzi | Andrew | 06-17 | |
Speranzi | Anthony | 05-27 | Promoted Brother of Joseph (killed in action) and Andrew Speranzi. |
Speranzi | Anthony | 06-22 | Brother of Joseph J. Speranzi kinnied in action in North Africa. |
Speranzi | Joseph | 05-26 | Killed in action Brother of Anthony and Andrew. |
Speranzi | Joseph | 09-16 | "American Heroes Day" |
Speranzi | Joseph H. | 11-05 | Killed in action in North Africa. |
Speranzi | Joseph J. | 03-08 | KILLED IN ACTION |
Speranzi | Joseph J. | 06-22 | Killed
in action in North Africa. Citation of honor Brother of Anthony Speranzi. |
Sperling | Bernard | 08-25 | |
Spore | Clifford | 05-25 | Married to Katherine Allen. |
Sprague | Herbert | 02-19 | |
Sprague | VerLynn | 07-19 | Ex-conscientious objector Army "man of the week". |
Squaires | Thomas | 09-07 | Wounded in action in Africa, died of his wounds. |
Squires | Stanley L. | 09-23 | |
Squires | Thomas | 08-26 | Wounded in North Africa. |
St Onge | Charles | 05-13 | |
St Onge | Edwin H. | 04-30 | |
St Onge | Edwin Henry. | 09-17 | Promoted. |
St. Onge | Edwin | 12-22 | Mrs. Charlotte is visiting her husband at Keesler field, Miss. |
St. Onge | Francis | 01-25 | |
Stack | William H, | 05-13 | Promoted |
Stalbird | George N. | 04-03 | Brother of John L. and Walter. |
Stalbird | John L. | 04-03 | Brother of Walter and George N. Stalbird. |
Stalbird | John L. | 06-28 | |
Stalbird | Walter | 04-03 | Brother of John L. and George N. Stalbird |
Stanhouse | Rosslyn | 01-18 | |
Stanton | Lawrence | 01-06 | |
Starkweather | Donald | 10-06 | Brother of Lee Starkweather. |
Starkweather | Lee | 01-06 | |
Starkweather | Lee | 10-06 | Brother of Donald Starkweather. |
Starr | Floyd | 02-01 | brother of George L . Starr |
Starr | George F. | 10-13 | |
Starr | George L. | 02-01 | Brother of Floyde Starr. |
Staruck | Stella | 06-21 | Army nurse |
Stecher | Edward J. | 03-27 | |
Steenrod | Emmons | 07-26 | |
Steenrod | Emmons | 10-07 | |
Steenrod | Stewart | 11-30 | Reservist entrains for the Army reception center at Camp Upton. |
Steidle | James Jr. | 03-27 | |
Stepp | Felix | 08-23 | Missing in action in the Sicilian campaign. Brother of Kenneth G. Stepp. |
Stepp | James F. | 01-02 | |
Stepp | James P. | 12-15 | German prisoner of war. |
Stepp | Kenneth G. | 08-23 | Brother of James K. Stepp. |
Stevens | Edward | 06-14 | |
Stevens | Edward L. Jr. | 07-29 | Brother of Lydon Stevens. |
Stevens | Lydon | 07-29 | brother of Edward L. Stevens Jr. |
Stewart | George | 01-13 | |
Stewart | George | 01-13 | |
Stewart | Gordon | 08-25 | |
Stewart | James | 04-03 | Red Cross |
Stewart | James W. | 04-28 | Pictured with Sen. Joe R. Hanley, Hon. Chester A. Miller and Judge Sterling P. Harrington at war bond rally. |
Stewart | John A. | 03-02 | |
Stewart | William | 05-28 | |
Stickels | Minerva | 01-11 | |
Stoeckel | Gerald F. | 11-13 | |
Storck | Harvey V. | 01-28 | |
Stoutenburgh | Marshall | 07-01 | Japanese POW. |
Stowell | Harry R. | 03-01 | commissioned Has 2 brothers overseas, no names listed. |
Strain | Lewis J. | 03-26 | promoted |
Strain | Lewis J. | 11-18 | Promoted to sergeant. |
Strait | Clarence B. | 03-24 | commissioned |
Strait | Edwin H. | 06-18 | Promoted. |
Streeter | Ruth | 02-16 | Director of the newly formedWomens reserve of the Marine Corps. |
Strong | Harold D. | 12-28 | Called for induction. |
Struckle | Frank | 09-17 | 45 classified for induction. |
Struckle | Frank | 12-16 | Called for induction tests. |
Struckle | Frank | 12-28 | Sampson Inducted by the Navy. |
Studler | Rene | 05-09 | |
Sturgis | Roy | 10-05 | |
Sullivan | Dennis J. | 09-20 | |
Sullivan | Dennis J. | 10-14 | Brother of Francis C. and Dennis J. Sullivan. |
Sullivan | Douglas R. | 09-25 | |
Sullivan | Douglas Russell | 09-21 | Classified for induction. |
Sullivan | Francis C. | 10-14 | Brother of Harry A. and Dennis J. Sullivan. |
Sullivan | Lyle | 10-07 | |
Sullivan | William H. | 11-30 \ | Reservist entrains for the Army reception center at Camp Upton. |
Sulllivan | Harry A. | 10-14 | Brother of Francis C. and Dennis J. Sullivan. |
Suppess | Elizabeth | 06-04 | WAAC |
Sutliff | Monroe | 04-23 | |
Sutton | Howard | 01-06 | |
Swanson | Clarence | 02-04 | |
Swart | Charles H. | 06-05 | |
Swart | Charles Harley | 11-26 | Marries Ella Mae Genberg. |
Swart | Schuyler L. | 11-30 | Reservist entrains for the Army reception center at Camp Upton. |
Swartz | Douglas | 08-20 | Graduated. |
Sweet | S. G. | 11-22 | Promoted. |
Sweetland | Lunn L. | 05-12 |