Daley | Gordon | 08-17 | |
Daley | Gordon Arthur | 07-30 | Army reservist. |
Dana | Floyd A. | 01-16 | |
Dana | Helen E. RN | 01-28 | nurse overseas |
Dana | William | 12-10 | |
Dana | William W. | 01-29 | |
Danforth | Prince E. Dr. | 04-05 | |
Daniels | Archie W. | 06-04 | Discharged due to physical disability. |
Darlin | Edwin | 05-06 | Marries Beatrice Irene Goodrich. |
Darling | Lawrence | 02-19 | Blames amnesia for AWOL. |
Darling | Minnie | 03-25 | WAAC |
Darling | William | 01-30 | promoted |
Dart | Leon Austin | 12-17 | |
Dartt | Charles | 09-12 | Marries Pearl Morton. |
Dartt | Clifford C. | 02-21 | Received Silver Wings and was commissioned. |
Dartt | Clifford C. | 07-19 | Missing in action in vicinity of Noyon, France. |
Dartt | Clifford C. | 07-27 | Missing in action. |
Dartt | Clifford C. | 12-15 | German prisoner of war. |
Davidson | Don B. | 09-09 | Received his wings. |
Davidson | Don B. Jr.. | 05-12 | |
Davis | Abram | 08-26 | |
Davis | Burton | 08-26 | |
Davis | Franklin C. | 08-25 | Promoted to Captain and is stationed in Colorado. |
Davis | Richard | 03-06 | Sampson |
Davis | Richard E. | 05-14 | Sampson |
Dayton | Randall | 08-26 | |
Dean | Orville | 09-23 | Reservists leave for Army Camp. |
Dean | Orville C. | 09-21 | Leave for camp induction. |
Dean | Orville C. | 09-25 | Inducted. |
DeAngelo | Benedict R. | 04-03\ | Joined the Red Cross. |
Decker | John P. | 01-25 | commissioned |
Decker | Leo | 04-09 | |
Decker | Leo | 07-01 | |
Dedrick | Emerson H. | 08-21 | Marine aviator who downed 2 Japanese Zero planed in the Pacific. |
Dedrick | Emerson H., | 08-17 | Oneontan bags zero in first flight. |
DeForest | Lavern | 10-20 | |
DeGasta | Anthony | 09-21 | Leave for camp induction. |
DeGasta | Anthony | 09-23 | Reservists leave for Army Camp. |
DeGasta | Anthony | 09-25 | Inducted. |
Delberta | Carl "Dell" | 12-17 | One of the best welterweights in the US Army. |
DeLong | Albert | 12-10 | Reservist goes into Army service. |
DeLong | Albert S. | 11-29 | Inducted by the Army. |
Denoyell | Nelson R. | 09-21 | Classified for induction. |
DePalma | Joseph | 04-06 | |
Deuel | Merle | 05-22 | Brother of Nelson Deuel. |
Deuel | Merle G. | 01-08 | |
Deuel | Nelson | 05-22 | Brother of Merle Deuel. |
Dexter | Claude | 05-07 | |
Dexter | Claude | 05-15 | |
Dibble | Herman | 04-03 | Brother of Marjorie and Ralph Dibble. |
Dibble | Marion | 06-11 | WAAF |
Dibble | Marjorie | 04-03 | WAAC Brothers Herman and Ralph Dibble |
Dibble | Ralph | 04-03 | Brother of Marjorie and Herman. |
Dickman | Ruth W. | 03-25 | WAAC |
Dillon | Earl | 11-29 | Inducted by the Army. |
Dillon | Earl | 12-10 | Reservist goes into Army service. |
Dingman | Benjamin | 05-22 | Killed in action. |
Dingman | Benjamin | 06-04 | Killed in action. |
Dingman | Edward D. | 10-08 | |
Disbrow | Martha | 02-05 | WAAC |
Disbrow | Martha | 02-12 | WAAC |
Disbrow | Martha | 02-17 | WAAC |
Disbrow | Martha | 08-28 | |
Disbrow | Martha | 10-18 | WAC Awarded the green ribbon for admirable service. |
Ditmore | Harry S. | 04-16 | |
Dolan | Anthony F. | 11-03 | New selectee enrolls for draft. |
Donahue | Michael | 09-23 | Reservists leave for Army Camp. |
Donahue | Michael P. | 09-21 | Leave for camp induction. |
Donahue | Michael P. | 09-25 | Inducted. |
Donaloiv | Anthony | 05-01 | Brother of Vincent and Joseph Donaloiv |
Donaloiv | Joseph | 05-01 | Brother of Vincent and Anthony Donaloiv.. |
Donaloiv | Vincent | 05-01 | Brother of Joseph and Anthony Donaloiv. |
Donlin | Martin C. | 08-29 | |
Donlin | Martin S. | 10-24 | Reporting for duty at the Navy recruiting station. |
Doolittle | Tracy Lee | 03-01 | |
Dorion | Donald | 05-23 | Killed in action. |
Dow | Everett | 05-18 | |
Dow | George E. | 05-19 | |
Downs | Richard A. | 03-10 | commended |
Drago | Anthony "Tony" | 10-06 | |
Drago | Anthony C. "Tony" | 12-15 | Transferred to Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. for engineer training.. |
Drew | William F. | 08-28 | |
Dreyfus | Lynn | 01-19 | |
Dreyfus | Lynn | 08-26 | Member of a mountain regiment skilled in skiing, climbing and covering terrain which would baffle the ordinary mortal. Arrived in Kiska. |
Driggs | Francis B. | 11-29 | Greeted the Duke of Windsor. at Mitchell Field, L.I. |
Dudley | Arthur G. | 08-13 | |
Dunbar | Donald J. | 12-16 | Called for induction tests. |
Dunbar | Donald J. | 12-28 | Sampson Inducted by the Navy. |
Dunn | John Kendall | 11-21 | Marries Marguerite S. Denney. |
Dunshee | Reid E. | 09-25 | |
Dunshee | Reid Emmons | 09-21 | Classified for induction. |
Dutcher | James W. | 03-27 | |
Dykeman | Douglas | 04-16 | |
Dyn | Roscoe | 02-12 | wounded in action in the Philippines, taken prisoner by the Japanese, died of his wounds. |
Dynn | Roscoe | 09-03 | Listed as missing and later reported dead in a Japanese prison camp a short time after Pearl Harbor.. |