FIRST DIVISION Top row, left to right—Shull, Walter G.; Magers, James B., Carlson, Robert 1.; Weight, Donald D.; Zemenski, Bennie G.; Pierson, Merle E. Middle row, left to right—Ens. John W. Schorr; Zarodnansky, Paul M.; Kanan, Oscar P.; Menelli, Lawrence J.; Simpson John T.; Hawryluk, Arthur P.; Wiley, Maynard L.; Rondino, Hugo R., Lt. (j.g.) John L Miller. Bottom row, left to right—Caldwell, James (n); Best, Forrest L.; Hood, Harold (n); Lt. (j·g.)·, Russell P. Armstrom; Lucia, Fred J.; Brown, Howard E.; Troy, John J. |